The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 under an initiative of the Japanese government and with the support of Kanagawa Prefecture based on the “Charter for the Establishment of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies”. The aim of the Institute is to achieve a new paradigm for civilization and conduct innovative policy development and strategic research for environmental measures, reflecting the results of research into political decisions for realising sustainable development both in the Asia-Pacific region and globally. 

IGES supports transparency capacity building for the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). With support from the Ministry of Environment, Japan, we implement the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) to facilitate countries' Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) preparation. The MLP mainly focuses on reporting mitigation actions and NDC tracking under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. IGES also develops Biennial Update Report (BUR) Database which provides key information reported in BURs submitted by Non-Annex I Countries to the UNFCCC. 

For more information about IGES support activities for the ETF, please visit our website: https://www.iges.or.jp/en/projects/transparency 

How to Access Support

For more information about IGES support activities for the ETF, please visit our website: https://www.iges.or.jp/en/projects/transparency