Kick-off Meeting for the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan-Japan on Mitigation Actions Reporting under the Art. 13
Kick-off Meeting for the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan-Japan on Mitigation Actions Reporting under the Art. 13
to Asia/Baku
Location: Online
Group photo

About the event:

The main objective of the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) is to understand how to apply the reporting guidance under Article 61 and 132, to explore improvement areas of next reporting to UNFCCC under the first BTR as well as to strengthen a network of institutions & individuals working on Article 6 and 13 reporting.

The MLP is led by IGES and its collaborative actions are jointly organized by CBIT-GSP. Under the regional network for transparency in Central Asia and the Caucasus, the MLP for 2023 is organized for Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Japan, who expressed their interest in reporting of mitigation actions in the energy sector under Art.13.

The main objectives of the kick-off meeting were:

1. To discuss the objectives, process, and schedule of the MLP 2023‐2024, including how to conduct the first exercise (i.e., Filling a common tabular format (CTF) for reporting mitigation actions in the energy sector)

2. To share the country status of a national system for tracking the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), that includes mitigation actions in each sector

3. To discuss how the MLP can be designed and implemented in the way that best matches with the
interests and needs of participants 


Area: Climate transparency, Data collection and management, NDC tracking
Sector: Energy
Region: Asia
Language: English, Russian
Country: Azerbaijan, Japan, Uzbekistan
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus