Kick-off Meeting for the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) (Moldova-Georgia-Japan)
Kick-off Meeting for the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) (Moldova-Georgia-Japan)
to Asia/Tokyo


In Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs), countries are requested to report on “Mitigation policies and measures, actions and plans” (hereafter we call simply mitigation actions in the MLP) under the section of “Information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement”. This year’s MLP will focus on reporting of mitigation actions in the energy sector. Therefore, it is useful for participants to share as to how the national system for tracking the implementation and achievement of NDCs is currently being developed or planned in each country, and how the reporting of mitigation actions will be linked within that system. Since the development of such a system is under discussion/development in most countries, it is natural that we cannot share the full picture of the system yet. Also, we welcome participants to share a country’s experience with the preparation of Biennial Update Reports (BURs) to show how reporting of mitigation actions in each sector has been compiled, including challenges that they encountered.

1. Participants understand the objectives, process, and schedule of the MLP, which are to be proposed at the kick-ff meeting, including how to conduct the first exercise (i.e., Filling a common tabular format (CTF))
2. Participants share the country status of a national system for tracking the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which is the foundation and closely linked with reporting of mitigation actions in sectors
3. Participants highlight how the MLP can be designed and implemented in the way that best match with the interest of participants

Area: Climate mitigation, Climate transparency, Institutional arrangements, NDC tracking
Sector: Energy
Language: English
Country: Georgia, Japan, Moldova (Republic of)
Transparency Network: Eurasia