Kick-off meeting of the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Enhanced Transparency (MLP): Reporting of mitigation actions in the Energy Sector under Art.13 (Armenia-Kazakhstan)
Kick-off meeting of the Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) for Enhanced Transparency (MLP): Reporting of mitigation actions in the Energy Sector under Art.13 (Armenia-Kazakhstan)
to Asia/Yerevan
Location: Online
Group photo

By invitation only (In-country activity)

The link to the recording is here.


Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of its long-term goals. NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris Agreement requires each Party to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve. Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, with the aim of achieving the objectives of such contributions. Tracking NDCs is a requirement under the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). It requires transparent quantitative and qualitative information on the implementation and achievement of the NDC, including indicators comparing current or projected emissions, and information that helps better understand the NDC target and its impacts.

The Mutual Learning Programme (MLP) provides support to the countries in improving the understanding of developing countries on how to apply the reporting guidance under Article 13 and explore improvement areas of next reporting to UNFCCC.

Having a good experience to work under the MLP with Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Japan in close cooperation with IGES in 2023-2024, the CBIT-GSP decided to extend its support to other new countries of the region and foresees learning exercises on reporting of mitigation actions under the Article 13 of the Paris Agreement for Armenia and Kazakhstan, particularly selecting the Energy Sector.


The main objective of the kick-off meeting is to (a) discuss the objectives, process, and schedule of the MLP 2024, including how to conduct the first exercise (i.e., filling a common tabular format (CTF) for reporting mitigation actions in the Energy Sector), (b) to share the country status of a national system for tracking the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), that includes mitigation actions in each sector, and to (c) to discuss how the MLP can be designed and implemented in the way that best matches with the interests and needs of participants.

Target Audience and Language

The kick-off meeting will gather Coordinators and Experts of National Communications and Biennial Transparency Reports, senior experts from the national agencies dealing with GHG inventory and mitigation actions, as well as those specialists, who work in Energy at the domestic level.

The event will be held in Russian and English with simultaneous translation provided in both languages.

Duration and Registration                                                              

It is expected that the meeting will last up to 2 hours with sufficient timing dedicated to discussion and Q&A sessions. 

Area: NDC tracking
Sector: Energy
Region: Asia
Language: English, Russian
Country: Armenia, Kazakhstan
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus