The Paris Agreement established the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) to promote clarity and understanding of climate action and support. The operationalization of the ETF is guided by the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) and corresponding common reporting tables, common tabular formats and outlines. The 3 core components of the ETF are reporting through the biennial transparency report (BTR), technical expert review (TER) and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress (FMCP).
Countries that are Parties to the Paris Agreement are expected to submit their first BTR by 31 December 2024 and every two years thereon. However, owing to their special circumstances, least developed countries and small island developing States can submit this report at their discretion. The process to prepare a BTR and products stemming from it will:
- Enable countries to build a stronger evidence base to identify needs and set priorities on how to strengthen climate policies over time;
- Send donors and investors a clear signal about the scale of opportunity, as well as needs;
- Provide a better assessment of collective global progress on climate action, and where more action and support are needed;
- Include greenhouse gas inventories and information on tracking progress towards achieving NDCs, helping to build trust and enabling countries to prepare for the next round of NDCs, due in 2025.
In nutshell, the process of the preparation of BTR can be a vital enabling tool for all governments as it can crucial data to help make informed decisions, design stronger climate policies over time, attract climate finance and achieve broader development goals.
Upon request of the Government of Grenada, the UNFCCC secretariat and the GEF-funded Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency-Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) agreed to provide technical support to the national team of Grenada to prepare its first biennial transparency report. This note outlines the scope and timeline of the requested technical support. The technical support and work of the national team will build on and take into account the following on-going and planned activities.
The technical support will aim to fast-track the preparation of the first BTR of Grenada by developing the capacity of and assisting the national team through different stages of preparation of the BTR.
Components of support
The technical support will include 3 stages:
- Stage 1 - Virtual engagement: a series of webinars will be organized in advance of Stage 2. These webinars will aim to equip the national team with relevant knowledge on key provisions of the ETF, including its modalities, procedures and guidelines, and different methodologies and approaches necessary for generating information and preparing the BTR. This will be implemented from 27 to 30 January 2025.
- Stage 2 - In-person engagement in the form of a three- and half-day workshop in Grenada: the main objective of the workshop will be to engage in interactive exercises to promote further learning of concepts covered in Stage 1. The exercises will be designed in a manner that it results in stock-take of existing processes and data in the country that can be used as a basis to build on for the BTR work. It will also include mapping exercises to get a clear sense of what additional work needs to be done to fulfil the essential requirements of the BTR. These will culminate into a development of a roadmap for the BTR preparation with clear timeline and milestones. The workshop will be held from 18 to 21 February 2025.
- Stage 3 - Mentoring phase: It is expected that the national team will be deployed to gather and prepare necessary data and information based on the roadmap developed in Stage 2. Depending on the need, the mentoring sessions will include a combination of periodic in-country visit by an external expert and virtual meetings with external experts whereby the external expert(s) will provide hands-on advice and technical input to the national team. The exact timing of the mentoring sessions will be decided at a later stage depending on the progress of the work of the national team in preparing the BTR.