Sharing best practices on vulnerability assessment methodologies and exchanging on NAP processes in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Sharing best practices on vulnerability assessment methodologies and exchanging on NAP processes in Central Asia and the Caucasus
to Asia/Bishkek
Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Participants from the session



Since 1994, submitting information to the UNFCCC about their national adaptation processes has been undertaken by countries to varying extents, where annex I countries included information regarding vulnerability to climate change, expected impacts, and adaptation measures in their initial national communications. However, as countries have increasingly acknowledged the need to adapt to climate change, the demand and need for greater and more in-depth communication and reporting on adaptation needs, priorities, plans, and actions, under the UNFCCC has also increased.

With the adoption of the Paris Agreement and its Article 13 on reporting requirements and transitioning towards Enhanced Transparency Frameworks (ETF) requires all Parties to report on adaptation within the national BTRs, Adaptation Communications, National Communications and NAP. Given the specificity of the reporting and the need to regularly collect data for reporting and monitoring purposes, the countries of the region are undertaking initial steps on adaptation planning and establishing their domestic M&E systems within the NAP projects. 

Having in mind that the topic of VA/CR assessment to climate change and NAP processes was determined as one of the needs for the regional network of the CBIT-GSP workplan for 2023 and highlighted in the gaps and needs assessment of the ReCATH project, the intention is to organize the the working session on mutual exchange of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus on both topics. Given that CAREC organized the first meeting of the regional technical working group on transparency for adaptation in Central Asian countries via its ReCATH project, which took place on 13-14 July 2023 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, the efforts were joined to deliver on this session during July 14th. 


The main objective of the session is to share best practices of the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus on their progress towards using the methodologies and tools on vulnerability and climate risk assessment, as well as to exchange on NAP processes and gaps and challenges in planning adaptation measures at the national and sub-national levels. 

Having in mind that the M&E system is the main instrument to be used by the countries in data collection and tracking, discussion around this particular topic was prioritized. 

Target group and language

The Session is aimed for the experts and specialists of the national governmental agencies, which deal with adaptation and climate resilience at the national level from the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Representatives from UNDP were also invited to participate and contribute to the Session as country-based UNDP offices are the main implementing agencies for GCF readiness projects on NAP.

The Session was held in Russian.


Area: Climate adaptation, Climate transparency
Region: Asia
Language: Russian
Country: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus