The CBIT-GSP offers targeted transparency support to countries to cover specific needs for transparency in all areas of the Enhanced Transparency Framework. The support is tailored to a country' needs and could include, among other, trainings on specific topics (e.g., IPCC software), quality reviews of transparency reports or any other hands-on support for transparency-related matters (e.g., filling of reporting tables). If your country requires targeted support for transparency, you can fill the "Request for Support Template" on this page and return it to us or to your dedicated Network Coordinator of the Regional Transparency Network, that your country is part of. You can also reach out to your Regional Transparency Network Coordinator directly to help you with filling the template and defining the specific support need.
Modalities of Support
Countries can request support for transparency for specific needs such as a training on the IPCC software, or the quality review of transparency reports. The support that can be requested through this form is not predefined but should comprise a targeted, time-bound activity. Your Network Coordinator can help you with clearly defining this support request. 
The CBIT-GSP project will try to match to your country's needs to the extent possible, either through internal project resources or through partnerships with other transparency support providers. All support requests received by countries will be answered.


Status of Support

Antigua and Barbuda ​​Hands-on support for NDC tracking, CTF tables Request Submitted
Cook Islands Cook Islands in-country capability enhancement training workshop on national GHG inventory and BTR preparation in alignment with the Paris Agreement's transparency requirements. CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Yemen Develop a clear road map for BTR process - Yemen UNEP-CCC, UNEP, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Mauritania ​​Appui à la mise en place d’un cadre de Transparence Renforcée -Mauritania UNEP-CCC, UNDP, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Lebanon Increase capacity on Lebanon’s climate change reporting for the preparation of the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) as per Decision 18/CMA.1​ - Lebanon UNEP-CCC, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Iraq Enhancing the capacity of national Institutions/stakeholders by conducting training on implementing the enhanced transparency framework (ETF). - Iraq UNEP-CCC, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Libya Training on 2006 IPCC Guidelines and Software -Libya UNEP-CCC, UNEP, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Morocco Renforcement des capacités des acteurs du SNI-GES et de la CDN du Maroc sur les CRT -Morocco UNEP-CCC, UNDP, UNEP, CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Bosnia and Herzegovina Enhance gender mainstreaming into climate transparency reporting of Bosnia and Herzegovina CBIT-GSP Support Concluded
Georgia Review of the draft BTR pursuant to the MPGs of the Paris Agreement UNEP-CCC, CBIT-GSP Request Assigned