Climate Finance: Tracking Climate Change-Related Support Needed and Received in the Caribbean
Climate Finance: Tracking Climate Change-Related Support Needed and Received in the Caribbean
to America/Antigua

Note: The presentations of the event can be found below. The recording of the event has been uploaded to the UNEP-CCC YouTube channel here.

This event focuses on tracking climate change-related support needed and received, with a specific emphasis on the experiences and perspectives of English-speaking Caribbean countries. The objective is to explore strategies, best practices, and innovative approaches to enhance the capacity of these countries in tracking climate finance, promoting transparency, and driving sustainable climate action. Through insightful discussions, shared experiences, and expert insights, participants will learn effective approaches for monitoring and reporting financial flows related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The event will also provide a platform for learning and implementing new methodologies and policies that align with climate finance monitoring requirements, ultimately enhancing the quality and comparability of information presented by countries. 

Expected outcomes

  • The event aims to facilitate the sharing of successful approaches and methodologies for tracking climate finance. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from each other's experiences and gain insights into effective strategies for monitoring and reporting financial flows related to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  •  Facilitate learning and implementation of new methodologies and policies by providing a platform for countries and stakeholders to learn about and implement new methodologies and policies that align their tracking systems with the requirements of climate finance monitoring. 
  • Enhance the quality and comparability of information presented by countries regarding their climate finance tracking. By strengthening their capacity to accurately report financial data, participants can fulfill their emission reduction commitments and contribute effectively to the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Area: Climate support, Climate transparency
Region: Caribbean
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean