
A Closing Conversation with Georgia - Reflections on its CBIT project: Q&A and useful resources


Dear Transparency Practitioners,

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s webinar " A Closing Conversation with Georgia – Reflections on its CBIT Project" webinar focused on the implementation and lessons learned of the CBIT Georgia project! We were so pleased with the enthusiastic engagement and insightful questions.

Reporting on NDC Tracking and progress made in implementing and achieving NDCs: Guidance and discussion


Welcome to the Thematic Community of Practice for reporting on NDC Tracking. In this Community of Practice, we aim to share experiences and best practice, solve doubts and host discussions regarding the reporting on progress made in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).

Dear Transparency Practitioners,

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s webinar " A Closing…

Welcome to the Thematic Community of Practice for reporting on NDC Tracking. In this Community of Practice, we aim…