A Closing Conversation with Georgia - Reflections on its CBIT project: Q&A and useful resources
Alejandro Regatero Labadia

Dear Transparency Practitioners,

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s webinar " A Closing Conversation with Georgia – Reflections on its CBIT Project" webinar focused on the implementation and lessons learned of the CBIT Georgia project! We were so pleased with the enthusiastic engagement and insightful questions.

As there were a number of excellent questions we didn't have time to fully address during the live session, we're opening this dedicated channel for Q&A. Our team from the CBIT-GSP project, as well as the experts from the CBIT Georgia project, are excited to answer your questions and foster further discussion.

Please post your questions below. We'll do our best to provide comprehensive responses and spark deeper conversations about climate transparency in relation to the Georgia project.

Since the key outcomes of the CBIT Georgia project included the development of an NDC tracking tool, we will continue posting dedicated content about the tool in our Community of Practice for NDC Tracking. Users of the Climate Transparency Platform are encouraged to participate in these conversations and provide their perspectives, useful resources, or any relevant questions.


Key Resources:

To learn more about the CBIT-Georgia project, please click here

For general information on the CBIT-GSP project, see our “About CBIT-GSP” page here.


We look forward to your continued participation!



The CBIT-GSP Project Team


Juliette Lunel
Dear all, please find below questions that arose during the webinar. Answers from Mr. Kakhaberi Mdivani, Chief Technical Advisor, The Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) who presented the CBIT project in Georgia and the CBIT-GSP project Team will be coming in.
Juliette Lunel
1) As the project impacts are highly dependent on the commitment and good will of the Government, did you employ a specific strategy for collecting data and encouraging collaboration across different areas to share information?
Juliette Lunel
2) Could you please clarify how general public can access the system [used in Georgia]. Can other CBIT team get access for case study purposes. It would be helpful in developing our national NDC system.
Juliette Lunel
3) What happens after BTR? --- There is a lot of focus on BTR which is good. However, does CBIT consider what happens after BTR production and how to sustain the long term capacity after BTR production for the benefit of informing national stakeholders, supporting increased ambition and future reporting. How can CBIT also gather lessons learned from BTR activities and inform continuous improvement in the MRV/Transparency system long term.
Juliette Lunel
4) Technical questions regarding the MRV platform developed under CBIT: what was the platform format to be filled in by relevant stakeholders in the ministries?(excel or online or hybrid) -- as for the indicators developed to track NDC, were they based on existing inventory data? especially for adaptation -- and for capacity building (what format did you use and what did the activities/agenda for capacity building cover?
Juliette Lunel
5) Related to Georgia s online climate management tool, do you have legal framework that define responsibilities for institutions to exchange the data into this system?
Juliette Lunel
6) On legislation part, whether during the project any legislations have been updated or newly developed since some functions formally set up, for instance for coordination bodies, data producers/users, verifiers, etc.