Project Details


Meet the enhanced transparency framework requirements under the Paris Agreement

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Number of sectoral and local authorities that report to the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) At least 3 line ministries and 23 local administrations report to ETF 1 ministry, 2 adm. NCs and NDC reports to UNFCCC, integrating gender considerations in workstreams
Decree establishing the Climate Change Committee 0 NCs and NDC reports to UNFCCC, integrating gender considerations in workstreams
Number of municipalities that use MDCP for reporting GHG inventories and climate actions 23 0 MDCP meeting minutes, MRV reports submitted to NDA and approved municipal SECAPs
% of trained MDCP stakeholders who declares to be in a better position to implement MRV processes (gender disaggregated) 75% of men trained 75% of women trained N/A Attendees lists for all trainings and surveys (before and after each training)
# of municipal units that use MDCP to prioritize public policies 23 0 MDCP meeting minutes, MRV reports submitted to NDA and approved municipal SECAPs
# of MoUs signed between Municipalities and EAs 11 0 Signed MoUs between municipalities and EA (by EA)
Number of sites public or private from the key source-categories that use improved national GHG inventory system to estimate plant-specific EFs At least 26 sites from the key source categories 0 Site-specific GHG inventory technical reports submitted to NDA
% of technicians trained who declares to be in a better position to use methodologies for data collection on HFCs to PFCs (gender disaggregated) 75% of men trained 75% of women trained 0 List of participants from trainings and survey taken during the trainings
Improvement in the quality of MRV of the National GHG inventory based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions +6 2 National Communications and BUR/NDC Reports to UNFCCC, CBIT self-assessment tool
Improvement in the quality of MRV of NDC implementation based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions +7 1 Information systematization reports; NCs/BUR and NDC submission; CBIT tool

Project Implementation


1. Georgia uses the Municipal Development Coordination Platform (MDCP) as part of its enhanced transparency framework (ETF)
1.1 Modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the implementation of the ETF at municipal level are developed
1.1.1 Elaborate a concept on modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for ETF implementation at the municipal level (concept on “municipal level MPGs”)
1.1.2 Review and endorse the concept on “municipal level MPGs” with a wide spectrum of stakeholders at a national stakeholders’ workshop
1.1.3 Develop MPGs for ETF implementation at the municipal level based on agreed/endorsed concept
1.1.4 Undertake legal and institutional gap analyses and provide recommendations for the implementation of “municipal level MPGs” in municipalities which are signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
1.1.5 Prepare relevant legal texts (draft legal acts/regulations) based on legal and institutional gap analyses and recommendations and submit to the Government for adoption
1.1.6 Develop and make operational an internet-based knowledge hub and help desk for ETF implementation at the municipal level
1.1.7 Develop a gender mainstreaming action plan for implementing the ETF at the national and municipal levels
Deliverable 1: Document on MPGs for ETF implementation at the municipal level endorsed by a wide spectrum of stakeholders
Deliverable 2: Draft legal acts and regulations for the implementation of municipal level MPGs submitted to the Government for adoption
Deliverable 3: Functional internet-based knowledge hub and help desk for ETF implementation
1.2 Formal coordination mechanism with ETF related responsibilities and mandates among the MDCP stakeholders is defined
1.2.1 Prepare and submit Memorandums-of-Understanding (MoUs) for signature by the national government and relevant municipal authorities (signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) and other key stakeholders on the implementation of Georgia’s ETF
1.2.2 Elaborate detailed working procedures to ensure a smooth functioning of the Multistakeholder MDCP for ETF implementation at the municipal level
1.2.3 Elaborate detailed working procedures to ensure a smooth functioning of the Multistakeholder MDCP for ETF implementation at the municipal level
1.2.4 Develop the following basic guiding documents to support ETF implementation at the municipal level
1.2.5 Design and develop software tools to support ETF implementation at the municipal level, or adapt tools already developed, where possible: a) Software for GHG emissions/removals estimation at the municipal level; b) Common reporting software for the municipal level
Deliverable 4: Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) on the implementation of Georgia’s ETF with municipal authorities (signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy) and other key stakeholders signed
Deliverable 5: Detailed document with working procedures for ETF implementation at the municipal level
Deliverable 6: Reports of four Multistakeholder MDCP annual meetings (1-day annual meetings with 40 participants for each)
Deliverable 7: Basic guiding documents (under activity 1.2.4) and software tools (under activity 1.2.5) to support ETF implementation at the municipal level
1.3 Training to MDCP stakeholders on measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) processes is provided
1.3.1 Prepare trainings modules/training materials
1.3.2 Conduct at least six 3-day training events for at least 25 participants from municipalities (each) to cover all training modules indicated in 1.3.1 (local NGO representatives would be eligible to participate in the training if the municipality decides to outsource the SECAP development process
1.3.3 Conduct at least two “media” 3-day training events for 25 media representatives (each) on global and national climate change actions
Deliverable 8: Reports on six 3-day training events to cover all training modules indicated in 1.3.1 for 150 representatives from municipalities in total
Deliverable 9: Reports on two “media” 3-day training events on global and national climate change issues for 50 media representatives in total
1.4 Procedures are developed and implemented for preparing and submitting MRV reports
1.4.1 Elaborate, and deliver to municipalities, guidelines (including monitoring report templates) for municipal monitoring on climate policy implementation
1.4.2 Provide technical assistance to municipalities signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy focused on the drafting of monitoring reports (one 3-day technical assistance session for at least 16 municipalities with at least 2 participants from each municipality)
Deliverable 10: Guidelines (including a monitoring report template) for the municipal monitoring of climate policy implementation
Deliverable 11: Report on the one 3-day technical assistance session for at least 16 municipalities signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy with at least 2 participants from each municipality focused on the drafting of monitoring reports
1.5 Standard reporting formats for Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP) are completed with local authorities
1.5.1 Elaborate, and deliver to municipalities, guidelines for the development of municipal SECAPs (including the definition of climate target, scope and indicators; SECAP template; and methodology for defining municipal circumstances out of common formatting system)
1.5.2 Provide technical assistance to municipalities signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy focused on the drafting of municipal SECAPs (organize a 3-day technical assistance session for at least 16 municipalities with at least 2 participants from each municipality)
Deliverable 12: Guidelines for the development of municipal SECAPs (including the definition of climate target, scope and indicators; SECAP template; and methodology for defining municipal circumstances out of common formatting system)
Deliverable 13: Report on the 3-day technical assistance session for at least 16 municipalities signatories to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy with at least 2 participants from each municipality, focused on the drafting of SECAPs
2. Georgia uses an improved National GHG inventory system, with a data management system on agriculture, waste, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs)
2.1 Higher-tier methods for the relevant source categories of energy, product use and agriculture sectors are used, and country-specific emission factor for pre-selected IPPU4 key source-categories are identified
2.1.1 Select at least 8 sites for the industries from the key source-categories including cement production, lime production, steel production, and ferroalloys production
2.1.2 Elaborate a methodology for estimating the plant-specific emission factors for the industries of: cement production, lime production, steel production, and/or ferroalloys production
2.1.3 Estimate the plant-specific emission factors in at least 8 selected sites for the industries from the key source-categories
2.1.4 Provide and install laboratory tools to at least 8 selected sites for the industries (specified in 2.1.1) for estimating the plant-specific emission factors
2.1.5 Select at least 8 sites for the energy sector source-categories for the advancement in methodologies
2.1.6 Develop a methodology on the definition of country-specific emission factors for the selected source-categories
2.1.7 Estimate country-specific emission factors in at least 8 selected sites for the energy sector source-categories
2.1.8 Select at least 5 sites for agriculture sector source-categories for the advancement in methodologies
2.1.9 Develop a methodology on the definition of country-specific emission factors for the selected source-categories
2.1.10 Estimate the country-specific emission factors in at least 5 selected sites for agriculture sector source-categories
2.1.11 Provide and install laboratory tools to at least 5 selected sites for agriculture sector (specified in 2.1.8) for estimating the plant-specific emission factors
Deliverable 14: Report on the use of higher-tier methods for relevant source categories of industry (including cement production, lime production, steel production, and ferroalloys production), energy and agriculture sectors in at list 21 selected sites
Deliverable 15: Country-specific emission factors for pre-selected industrial processes and product use (IPPU) key source-categories (including cement production, lime production, steel production, and ferroalloys production in industry; energy and agriculture)
2.2 The data management system for agriculture and waste sectors is developed
2.2.1 Select the key source categories for at least 5 sites from the agriculture sector for the identification of improved data-gathering methods
2.2.2 Develop a methodology for gathering detailed activity data for the selected source-categories
2.2.3 Establish and operationalize a data management system in at least 5 selected sites for selected key source categories from the agriculture sector (to be further used at the national level); and provide one week on-job training on climate-agriculture data management system
2.2.4 Select the key source categories for at least 5 sites from the waste sector for the identification of improved data-gathering methods
2.2.5 Develop a methodology for gathering detailed activity data for the selected source-categories
2.2.6 Provide and install laboratory tools for the estimation of facility-specific emission factors to at least 5 selected sites for waste sector source-categories
2.2.7 Establish and operationalize a data management system (including modeling for the absent data) in at least 5 selected sites for key source categories from the waste sector (to be further used at the national level); & provide one week on-job training on the waste sector data management system
Deliverable 16: A functional data management system for the agriculture sector in at least 5 selected sites for selected key source categories
Deliverable 17: A functional data management system for the waste sector in at least 5 selected sites for key source categories
2.3 Modalities and procedures for implementation of QA/QC are designed and adopted
2.3.1 Elaborate and operationalize a QA/QC plan for the national and sub-national GHG inventory
2.3.2 Elaborate and operationalize a QA as well as general and category-specific QC procedures
2.3.3 Elaborate and operationalize application procedures for verification techniques
2.3.4 Prepare a training module on certification for verifiers working with the national inventory and GHG mitigation measures
2.3.5 Conduct one 3-day certification on verification course for at least 20 verifiers serving the national inventory and GHG mitigation measures
2.3.6 Elaborate and operationalize an archiving system procedure and database
Deliverable 18: Modalities and procedures for the implementation of QA/QC adopted and piloted under the Third BUR, and one report of the training module on certification for verifiers of the GHG inventory and mitigation measures
2.4 Modalities and procedures for data collection, reporting and enforcement on emissions of HFCs and PFCs are developed and implemented
2.4.1 Conduct a market study (including production, export, import and placing on the market) on fire extinguishers, solvents, aerosols, and foam blowing agents; and identify products containing HFCs/PFCs
2.4.2 Develop a country-specific methodology for estimating the consumption of HFCs/PFCs from the fire extinguishers, solvents, aerosols, and foam blowing agents source-categories
2.4.3 Design a GHG estimation software tool for HFCs/PFCs source-categories
2.4.4 Develop, and submit for government approval, an enforcement system (monitoring and regulatory mechanisms) for controlling emissions of HFCs and PFCs in Georgia
Deliverable 19: Modalities and procedures for data collection, reporting and enforcement on emissions of HFCs and PFCs
2.5 Capacity training for technicians on methodologies for data collection on HFCs to PFCs are designed and implemented
2.5.1 Design training modules/materials for the technicians from GARCAE working with HFCs and PFCs
2.5.2 Conduct two 5-day training events on methodologies for data collection on HFCs and PFCs for at least 20 participants (technicians) each
Deliverable 20: Reports on two training events on methodologies for data collection on HFCs and PFCs for at least 20 technicians (each) working with the referred gases
2.6 National certification scheme for technicians on HFCs and PFCs is implemented
2.6.1 Develop study materials for the certification module on HFCs and PFCs management
2.6.2 Elaborate, and submit to MEPA, a certification scheme targeting the HFCs consumption source-categories
2.6.3 Develop, and submit to the national government, materials for accreditation of certification scheme for technicians on HFCs and PFCs
Deliverable 21: Documentation for accreditation of certification scheme for technicians on HFCs and PFCs submitted for national government approval
3.The achievement of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) goals is tracked; and implementation of mitigations measures are assessed and appropriately reported, including a data management system on transferred technologies
3.1 Methodologies for assessing and reporting mitigation actions and policies, their effects and support needed and received are designed
3.1.1 Elaborate and adopt a nationally adapted methodology on setting up the NDC tracking system based on mitigation measures
3.1.2 Elaborate and adopt guidance and procedures for the assessment of mitigation policies
3.1.3 Design and operationalize a software tool for tracking NDC implementation that ensures no double counting, and provide 1-week on-job training to at least 15 central government staff representatives on how to track NDC implementation through the software
3.1.4 Elaborate and adopt a nationally adapted methodology for evaluating multiple benefits, quantitative goals and progress indicators
3.1.5 Carry out peer-to-peer exchange activities, including attending international events such as COPs and interactions through the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
Deliverable 22: Methodologies for assessing and reporting mitigation actions and policies, their effects and support needed and received
Deliverable 23: Operational software tool for tracking NDC implementation and avoiding double counting
Deliverable 24: Report of the 1-week on-job training on how to track NDC implementation through the software
Deliverable 25: Reports of international events attended
Deliverable 26: Information on the project uploaded in the CBIT global coordination platform.
3.2 Methodologies and tools for identification of constraints and gaps for fulfilling the NDC goals are designed
3.2.1 Elaborate and operationalize a diagnosis methodology for identifying constraints and gaps in NDC implementation, to be adopted in the Third BUR
Deliverable 27: Diagnosis methodology for identifying constraints and gaps in NDC implementation
3.3 The data management system on transferred technology supporting the NDC implementation is developed
3.3.1 Develop a database with transferred technologies and scientific activities conducted in the country
3.3.2 Elaborate a template for technology specification
3.3.3 Elaborate and adopt a methodology for the development of evidence-based policy measures by incorporating the scientific community in the prioritization of climate-friendly technologies
Deliverable 28: Database with transferred technologies and scientific activities conducted in the country
Delieverable 29: Methodology for the development of evidence-based policy measures by incorporating the scientific community in the prioritization of climate-friendly technologies

Project Documents