Hands-on training on implementing enhanced transparency framework (ETF) focusing on key elements to fast-track BTR development in South Sudan.
Hands-on training on implementing enhanced transparency framework (ETF) focusing on key elements to fast-track BTR development in South Sudan.



The MPGs, formulated to implement transparency in reporting under the Paris Agreement, defined specific new requirements for reporting the results of national GHG inventories. As such, information on national GHG inventory results should be included in a specific chapter of the BTR (Chapter I) and supporting information should be included in the annexes. In addition, all Parties must provide a national inventory report (NIR), which consists of a national inventory document (NID) and the common reporting tables (CRT), to the UNFCCC as part of each country´s BTR submission process.

Although many countries are aware of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, there is still limited understanding of the reporting requirements and MPGs. South Sudan has not received specific training on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and MPGs of the Paris Agreement. 


The objective of the CBIT-GSP is to provide streamlined support and capacity-building at the national, regional, and global levels to assist developing countries in responding to the reporting provisions under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework and ultimately increase ambition for climate action. The CBIT-GSP plans to achieve this through multiple support modalities, including establishing and working with 10 Regional Networks across the globe to foster south-south collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and learning among countries. standards 


The training aimed to provide a general overview of reporting requirements under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, focusing on key elements identified to fast-track BTR development in South Sudan. The training enhanced the capacity of technical experts in South Sudan on key concepts of the ETF and information required under the MPGs for the preparation and submission of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). This hands-on training was designed to equip the participants with the necessary skills to improve their contributions to the national reporting under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement.  The specific objectives are. 

Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: South Sudan
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Africa