Introductory Webinar | In preparation for the LAC hands-on Training on reporting results of National Inventory Reports under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
Introductory Webinar | In preparation for the LAC hands-on Training on reporting results of National Inventory Reports under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
to America/Antigua
Location: Online

---------The recording of this webinar will be available on the UNEP-CCC youtube channel here.  The material from this session can be found below. All questions about this topic can be discussed and added to this this virtual forum.-----------


CBIT-GSP, PATPA and the Government of Colombia are organizing the LAC Regional Training on Preparation and Submission of National Inventory Reports (NIR) under the ETF of the Paris Agreement, which will take place from July 23 to 25 of 2024 in Bogotá, Colombia. This training will bring together technical experts coordinating the national or sectoral GHG inventories of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. This includes government staff and experts from other institutions that are part of countries’ domestic institutional arrangements for the preparation and submission of inventories to the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.

The main objective of the training is to support professionals and experts from Latin American and Caribbean countries in the presentation of information on inventories and the improvement of the technical content of the NIR and BTR, in line with the provisions of the MPGs.

The training includes four consecutive stages: Stage I: introductory webinar that sets the stage and provides instructions to participants on the other parts of the training; Stage II. data collection from each country; Stage III. in-person training to gain knowledge and perspectives for successful presentation of NIRs; and Stage IV. follow-up after the face-toface event aimed at providing feedback to participants articipants on the exercises and results produced during the training.

This introductory webinar is the initial stage of the whole training approach to be carried out in support of countries in the CBIT-GSP Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network, on tools and approaches to improve preparation and reporting of results of national GHG inventories following guidelines issued under the Paris Agreement. 


Objective of the Webinar

The introductory webinar provides instructions to the participants on the other parts of the training and summarizes some of the most relevant content to be included in greater detail in the face-to-face training that will take place on 23-25 July 2024 in Bogota, Colombia.

Audience and Language

The webinar is available exclusively for registered participants of the LAC Regional Training on Preparation and Submission of National Inventory Reports (NIR) under the ETF of the Paris Agreement and CBIT-GSP focal points and thematic experts of the Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network, as well as other partners and regional experts invited by the organization. The webinar will include speakers from the UNFCCC and UNEP-CCC and will be conducted in English.


Time and Registration

The webinar is expected to last approximately two hours, including sufficient time for discussion and questions and answers. 

To participate in the webinar you need to register by Clicking here (if the link does not work, try copying and pasting into an incognito window in your web browser).

Area: Climate mitigation, Climate transparency, Data collection and management, GHG inventory, Institutional arrangements, Update of national documents
Region: Caribbean
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean