Latin America & Caribbean Regional Training on Preparation and Submission of National Inventory Reports under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
In Person
Latin America & Caribbean Regional Training on Preparation and Submission of National Inventory Reports under the ETF of the Paris Agreement
to America/Bogota
Location: Bogota, Colombia
Bogota photo

The Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency – The Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP), the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) and the Government of Colombia are organizing the Training on Preparation and Submission of National Inventory Reports under the ETF of the Paris Agreement. The training will take place from 23-25 July 2024 in Bogota, Colombia, and will be hosted by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) of Colombia. 


The main objective of the training workshop is to support the country practitioners and experts reporting the results of the National GHG Inventories processes in improving the technical contents of NIRs and BTRs, following the considerations indicated in the MPGs.

Specific objectives:

  • Provide these national inventory teams with useful information and international experiences to facilitate their reporting to the UNFCCC following the ETF under the Paris Agreement.
  • Participate by implementing concrete situations of preparation and reporting of national inventories, considering reporting provisions under ETF.
  • Exchange experiences and lessons learned, corresponding to the application of tools and systems for reporting inventory data with ETF provisions.
  • Identify common challenges and opportunities for collaboration among country teams in inventory work, fostering south-south cooperation.

This activity is intended for technical officers who work as coordinators of the national GHG inventory and sectorial coordinators of the inventory in the countries of the regional CBIT-GSP transparency networks. This includes government staff at the national and sectoral levels, and staff from other institutions that are part of countries’ institutional arrangements for reporting inventories under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.


The training workshop will be held in both English and Spanish.

Area: Climate mitigation, Climate transparency, GHG inventory, Update of national documents
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Caribbean
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean