Project Details


The “Global capacity-building towards enhanced transparency in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector” project serves as an umbrella for all national CBIT AFOLU-based projects. The project comprises three components: Component 1: Supporting developing countries to strengthen their capacity to establish and sustain the institutional arrangements needed to respond to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) requirements and improve decision-making processes Component 2: Building developing countries’ technical capacity to establish robust systems to measure, report and verify GHG emissions and removals, and to monitor and evaluate adaptation actions in the AFOLU sector in accordance with the ETF. Component 3: Sharing knowledge and improving coordination amongst global transparency practitioners to sustain and scale up institutional and technical capacity improvements in the AFOLU sector. 

Project Website
See in GEF website
Implementing Agencies

Projects News, Events & Opportunities

Location: Online Zoom Platform
Location: Online Zoom Platform

Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
2.1.2 Number of comments and feedback received and integrated 4 None 0 Brief report on comments, feedback and lessons learned
3.2.2 Organization of initiatives/events to strengthen multi-stakeholder coordination 4 None 0 Coordination meeting reports
3.2.1 Scaling up of the coordination among agencies, with info on gender balance 90% 30% 0 Cross-agency cooperation assessment
3.2 Number of countries with non-FAO CBIT-project informed 20 None 0 List of countries in coordinated events
3.2 Number of stakeholders, disaggregated by gender, outreached through increased coordination 100 None 0 List of participants in coordinated events
3.1.2 Participation of Champion Groups in knowledge-sharing events, with info on gender balance 8 None 0 Presentation in knowledge-sharing events
3.1.1 Number of physical and virtual events 10 None 0 Knowledge event records
3.1.1 Number of platforms where the Global Products were disseminated 4 None 0 Communication news advertising the platforms containing the Global Products
3.1 Number of agriculture experts & practitioners, disaggregated by gender, are aware of the Global Products 300 None 0 Analytics on platforms and event reports and records, with gender information
2.2.2 Number of pilot and project country practitioners, disaggregated by gender, receiving training in use of ‘ETF-ready’ M&E Products 10 None 0 Technical training reports, with gender information on the participants
2.2.1 Number of pilot and project country practitioners, disaggregated by gender, receiving training in use of ‘ETF-ready’ MRV Products 40 None 0 Technical training reports, with gender information on the participants
2.2 Number of pilot and project countries that have the capacity to use ‘ETF-enhanced’ MRV and M&E Global Products 6 Number of countries 0 Capacity building assessment survey (pre and post), with gender information
1.1 Number of ‘ETF-enhanced’ IA Global Products 3 None 0 Tools available on line
2.1.2 Number of tools reviewed 8 None 0 Assessment report of reviewed tools
2.1.1 Number of comments and feedback received and integrated 10 None 0 Brief report on comments, feedback and lessons learned
2.1.1 Number of tools reviewed 15 None 0 Assessment report of reviewed tools
2.1 Number of ‘ETF-enhanced’ MRV and M&E Global Products 14 None 0 Tools available on line
1.2.2 Number of policy makers and practitioners disaggregated by gender across sectors made aware of ETF institutional arrangements 24 None 0 Raising awareness records, with information on gender
1.2.1 Number of pilot and project country practitioners disaggregated by gender receiving training in use of ‘ETF-ready’ IA Products 40 None 0 Capacity building records, with information on gender
1.2 Number of pilot and project countries with the capacity to use the ‘ETF-enhanced’ IA Global Products to set-up institutional arrangements 6 Number of countries 0 Capacity building assessment survey (pre and post), with gender information
1.1.2 Number of comments and lessons learned 8 None 0 Brief report on lessons learned
1.1.1 Number of ‘ETF-ready’ IA Products 3 None 0 Assessment report of reviewed and improved tools
1.1.1 Number of tools reviewed 5 None 0 Assessment report of reviewed and improved tools

Project Implementation


1.1‘ETF-enhanced’ IA Global Products, in line with ETF requirements and enhanced with county experiences, are available to support the creation and/or the sustainability of institutional arrangements for developing countries
1.1.1 ETF-ready’ IA Products for establishing and/or strengthening sustainable institutional processes for AFOLU-related data gathering and information management, necessary for meeting ETF requirements, developed
1. Collect, review and assess existing tools aimed to enhance institutional arrangements
2. Examine countries' experiences in the use of existing tools and needs for IA
3. Develop ‘ETF-ready’ IA Products for testing
1.1.2 ‘ETF-enhanced’ IA Global Products developed based on feedback and lessons learned from capacity building activities
1. Tailor tools according to countries' feedback collected through the events described in output 1.2.1
2. Finalize the ‘ETF-enhanced’ IA Global Products
1.2 Enhanced institutional and knowledge management capacity established in selected pilot and project countries
1.2.1 Capacity building on the ‘ETF-ready’ IA Products carried out to improve institutional arrangements in selected pilot and project countries and improvement feedback and lessons learned gathered
1. Organize and deliver (sub-)regional and in-country trainings for testing of ‘ETF-ready’ IA Products and collect feedback and lessons learned
2. Set up and maintain a Community of Practice for online discussions
1.2.2 Country-level awareness raised amongst non-AFOLU policy makers and practitioners in selected pilot and project countries on the importance of mainstreaming institutional arrangements in the ETF processes
1. Identify non-AFOLU national stakeholders
2. Organize and deliver awareness and advocacy raising activities on ETF importance to non-AFOLU policy makers.
2.1 Potential for practitioners to enhance technical capacity through greater access to and adoption of ‘ETF-enhanced’ MRV and M&E Global Products
2.1.1 New and enhanced MRV tools, guidance, datasets and methodologies for monitoring and reporting the implementation of NDC mitigation actions in the AFOLU sector developed to meet ETF requirements
1. Collect, review and assess existing tools aimed to enhance MRV systems
2. Examine countries' experiences in the use of existing tools and needs for MRV following ETF requirements
3. Develop ‘ETF-ready’ MRV Products for testing
4. Finalize ETF-enhanced’ MRV Global Products according to countries' feedback from the events described in output 2.2.1
2.1.2 New and enhanced M&E tools for the agriculture sectors designed for monitoring the implementation and evaluating the impacts of NDC adaptation actions in line with ETF
1. Collect, review and assess existing tools aimed to enhance M&E systems
2. Examine countries' experiences in the use of existing tools and needs for M&E following ETF requirements
3. Develop ‘ETF-ready’ M&E Products for testing
4. Finalize ETF-enhanced’ M&E Global Products according to countries' feedback from the events described in output 2.2.2
2.2 Enhanced technical capacity achieved in pilot and project countries to establish MRV and M&E systems to track NDC priority actions in the agriculture sectors, compliant with ETF requirements
2.2.1 Selected pilot and project country officials trained on using MRV tools and upgrading domestic GHG management information systems and infrastructure, in line with ETF requirements for the AFOLU sector
1. Organize and deliver (sub-)regional and country-based capacity building trainings for practitioners from the selected countries on ‘ETF-ready’ MRV Products
2. Collect country feedback and lessons learned on the use of the ‘ETF-ready’ MRV Products
2.2.2 Capacity building delivered in selected pilot and project countries on M&E tool for monitoring the implementation and impacts of priority adaptation actions and tracking NDC progress
1. Organize and deliver (sub-)regional and country-based capacity building trainings for practitioners from the selected countries on ‘ETF-ready’ M&E Products
2. Collect country feedback and lessons learned on the use of the ‘ETF-ready’ M&E Products
3.1 Knowledge shared through existing platforms and networks
3.1.1 ‘ETF-enhanced’ Global Products disseminated through global platforms, physical and virtual events, and other instruments
1. Disseminate ETF-enhanced’ Global Products through:
- Publication on existing global platforms;
- Organization and delivery of workshops, webinars or other online knowledge sharing initiatives, in collaboration with partner institutions.
3.1.2 Increased opportunity for the Champion Groups to share country-specific experiences on transparency-related issues in the agriculture sectors
1. Involve Champion Groups in sharing success stories related to transparency in networks and initiatives in collaboration with partner institutions.
2. Provide opportunities to Champion Groups to act as knowledge leaders in peer-to-peer learning initiatives.
3.2 Coordination amongst agencies improved to ensure a coherent framework of discussion on transparency-related issues
3.2.1 Cross-agency cooperation scaled up to reinforce and expand existing coordination efforts
1. Establish quarterly calls and at least monthly email exchange between CBIT implementing agencies as well as the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
2. Organize joint initiatives to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize the impacts
3.2.2 Linkages established between global knowledge sharing activities and current partnerships to promote multi-stakeholder coordination
1. Use this opportunity for planning common strategy and joint programs on transparency and NDC themes

Project Documents