Project Details


The problem that this project seeks to address is that Antigua and Barbuda’s data collection, monitoring, reporting and verification under the UNFCCC is conducted on a project-by-project basis. This approach limits the scope of what can be monitored and report, it results in methodological biases that can be consultant-specific and not nationally owned and appropriate approaches, and the project-specific approach does not build sustained in-country capacity. Further, as Antigua and Barbuda increases the scale and transformational impacts of climate change actions towards NDC goals, a project-by-project approach will result in higher MRV costs as it is less efficient.

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Location: Trade Winds Hotel Conference Room

Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Improvement in the quality of Institutional capacity for transparency based on GEF score 1 to 4 as per Annex IV of CBIT programming directions 0
Improvement in the quality MRV system for GHG Inventory based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions 0
Number of transparency guidance documents being used by DOE staff and sectoral data compilers 6 0 0 Interviews with DOE staff
Improvement in the quality MRV system for NDC Implementation reporting based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions 0
Improvement in the quality MRV system for adaptation reporting based on GEF score 1 to 10 as per Annex III of CBIT programming directions 0
% of specialized trained staff who declares to be in a better position to implement MRV systems (gender disaggregated) 70% N/A 0 Training surveys

Project Implementation


1. The Environment Registry MRV function is established through a participatory process that includes a resilience assessment
1.1. Regulations, procedures and guidelines for monitoring, reporting and verifying climate change data are developed
1.1.1 Design a legal structure for climate data collection and sharing based on MoUs and other formal agreements
1.1.2 Develop QA/QC standards for the data that will be collected by the various stakeholders
1.1.3 Develop and formalize methodologies and guidelines for data collection, management and sharing
Deliverable 1: MoUs and other legal agreements for climate data collection and sharing implemented
Deliverable 2: QA/QC standards for data management developed (based on IPCC 2006 guidelines)
Deliverable 3: Guidelines for data collection, management and sharing developed and formalized
1.2 Environment Registry is accessible to the public to promote accountability and transparency
1.2.1 Establish a user-friendly online data portal for the Environment Registry, including a management system to facilitate data sharing among data sources and a data-entry manual
1.2.2 Conduct consultations with public sector stakeholders, NGOs, private sector and CSOs on the design of the online user-friendly platform
1.2.3 Provide training in operating the online platform including long term service agreement
Deliverable 4: Online data portal and data sharing system for the Environment Registry established
Deliverable 5: Step-by-step manuel for data entry developed, training provided and long-term technical service agreement included in ToR for IT
1.3 Data security and climate resilient assessment for the Environment Registry is conducted
1.3.1 Undertake an infrastructural and data security risk assessment of Antigua and Barbuda's data management and storage systems
1.3.2 Implement the recommendations from the assessment
1.3.3 Provide training in operating the data storage system and long term service agreement
Deliverable 6: Data security risk assessment conducted
Deliverable 7: Measures undertaken based on the assessment to improve data security
Deliverable 8: Training provided to operate the IT equipment of the data storage system and long term service agreement in place with IT provider
1.4 Country-specific indicators in line with Nationally Determined Contribution targets are developed
1.4.1 Develop an NDC implementation plan through a participatory process
1.4.2 Develop indicators in a consultative way for the Nationally Determined Contribution implementation plan
1.4.3 Define Terms of Reference (ToR) and scope of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) committee, its legal mandate and its administrative location
Deliverable 9: NDC implementation plan and indicators developed
Deliverable 10: Roles and responsibilities for coordinating NDC implementation estbalished
Deliverable 11: Scope, legal mandate and administrative location of the Multilateral Environmental Agreement (MEA) committee defined
2. The Environment Registry becomes the official national source for NDC monitoring, reporting and verification
2.1 Training to government agencies, private sector, and civil society is provided in order to appropriately and efficiently contribute data to the Environment Registry
2.1.1 Train key stakeholders in applying the QA/QC plan and the new data collection guidelines
2.1.2 Train relevant staff in the Data Management Unit and sectoral experts to develop GHG inventories and reporting on adaptation
2.1.3 Create awareness about the Environment Registry and make data available for policymakers through periodic reports on climate change risks and solution
2.1.4 Include the private sector in the Environment registry through trainings and workshops
Deliverable 12: Key stakeholders trained in applying the new data mechanism
Deliverable 13: Two staff in the Data Management Unit trained to develop GHG inventories
Deliverable 14: Periodic reports on climate change risks and solutions developed
2.2 Evaluation, learning and scaling up of the transparency initiative are conducted
2.2.1 Conduct two workshops on relevant topics to share lessons learned of establishing a climate transparency system with regional peers and other SIDS
2.2.2 Participate actively in the Global Coordination Platform and global CBIT workshops
Deliverable 15: Three meetings in the region conducted on regional mechanisms
Deliverable 16: Four exchange learning visits conducted to neighbouring SIDS

Project Documents