MENA Webinar Series 2024/ Editing and Updating Content in the Climate Transparency Platform
MENA Webinar Series 2024/ Editing and Updating Content in the Climate Transparency Platform
to UTC
Location: Online

Link for Registration


The Climate Transparency Platform, under the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency-Global Support Programme, is a one-stop for transparency, covering everything related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and the continued reporting under the UNFCCC. The Platform is part of the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency -Global Support Programme. 

Launched on 9 June 2023, the Platform provides a global overview of transparency initiatives and developing countries transparency efforts, allowing users to stay up to date on the latest developments, events, and knowledge products, as well as get detailed information on any developing country, support provider and transparency projects. The Platform also serves as space for coordination among transparency support providers, and for countries to directly request support to cover specific needs for transparency in all areas of the Enhanced Transparency Framework. 

For the Platform to remain a leading and reliable transparency resource, it will greatly rely on the content editors who are responsible for uploading, editing, and updating the data and information on the platform. Therefore, content editors need to have the skills and knowledge to use the platform’s features and functionalities, as well as to ensure the quality, accuracy, and consistency of the content. This webinar seeks to equip the platform's content editors with the skills needed to effectively update and edit content on the CTP.


The objective of this webinar is to train and guide the content editors of the Climate Transparency Platform on how to edit and update content in the platform, ensuring consistent, accurate, and effective content updates. The webinar will cover the following topics: 

  1. Understanding your role and responsibilities in the Climate Transparency Platform. 
  2. Accessing and navigating the platform’s dashboard.
  3. Uploading, editing, and updating data and information.

Practical exercises will be conducted to demonstrate how to use the platform’s features and functionalities to edit and update information and additionally there will be an interactive session where the participants can ask questions, share feedback, and practice editing and updating content in the platform.

Target Audience and Language

Target Audience The online webinar is intended for the content editors of the Climate Transparency Platform who are involved in uploading, editing, and updating data and information on the platform; these include Country Focal points, Project Focal Points and Agency Focal Points. 

The webinar will be conducted in English. However, participants are free to communicate in the language of their preference, whether it be Arabic, English, or French.





الهدف من هذا الويبينار هو تدريب وتوجيه محرري محتوى منصة الشفافية المناخية حول كيفية تحرير وتحديث المحتوى في المنصة، وضمان تحديث المحتوى بشكل متسق ودقيق وفعال. وسيتناول الويبينار المواضيع التالية: 

  1. فهم دورك ومسؤولياتك في منصة الشفافية المناخية. 
  2. الوصول إلى لوحة معلومات النظام الأساسي والتنقل فيها.
  3. تحميل البيانات والمعلومات وتحريرها وتحديثها.

سيتم إجراء تمارين عملية لتوضيح كيفية إستخدام ميزات المنصة ووظائفها لتحرير وتحديث المعلومات، بالإضافة إلى ذلك ستكون هناك جلسة تفاعلية حيث يمكن للمشاركين طرح الأسئلة وتبادل الملاحظات وممارسة تحرير وتحديث المحتوى في المنصة.

الجمهور الهدف واللغة

يستهدف هذا الويبينار محرري المحتوى في منصة الشفافية المناخية الذين يشاركون في تحميل البيانات والمعلومات على المنبر وتحريرها وتحديثها؛ بما في ذلك نقاط الاتصال الوطنية، ونقاط اتصال المشاريع، ونقاط الاتصال لدى الوكالات.


Français :



L'objectif de ce webinaire est de former et de guider les éditeurs de contenu de la Plateforme de la Transparence Climatique sur la façon d'éditer et de mettre à jour le contenu de la plateforme, en assurant des mises à jour de contenu cohérentes, précises et efficaces. Le webinaire portera sur les sujets suivants : 

  1. Comprendre votre rôle et vos responsabilités dans la Plateforme pour la transparence climatique. 
  2. Accès et navigation dans le tableau de bord de la plateforme.
  3. Téléchargement, modification et mise à jour de données et d'informations.

Des exercices pratiques seront réalisés pour montrer comment utiliser les fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour éditer et mettre à jour les informations. De plus, une session interactive sera organisée au cours de laquelle les participants pourront poser des questions, partager leurs commentaires et s’exercer à éditer et mettre à jour le contenu de la plateforme.

Public cible et langue

Le webinaire en ligne est destiné aux éditeurs de contenu de la Plateforme pour la transparence climatique qui participent au téléchargement, à la modification et à la mise à jour des données et des informations sur la Plateforme ; ceux-ci comprennent les points focaux des pays, les points focaux des projets et les points focaux des agences. 

Le webinaire se déroulera en anglais. Toutefois, les participants sont libres de communiquer dans la langue de leur choix, que ce soit l'arabe, l'anglais ou le français.

Area: Climate support, Climate transparency, Cross-cutting
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Africa, Asia
Country: Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, State of, Qatar, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Transparency Network: Middle East and North Africa