Institutional Arrangements for Transparency Systems: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt from Liberia and Zimbabwe
Institutional Arrangements for Transparency Systems: Best Practices and Lessons Learnt from Liberia and Zimbabwe
to Africa/Kampala

The main objective of the virtual exchange was to share Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Establishing Institutional Arrangements for Transparency in Liberia and Zimbabwe with other members of the Anglophone Africa Regional Transparency Network. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions as well as engage and exchange with each other.


Institutional arrangements are of critical importance for fully functioning national transparency systems and data collection in particular. Institutional arrangements for transparency include various elements from clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all actors in the transparency system, such as line ministries, data-sharing agreements, and legal arrangements. Institutions at all levels need to build on what already exists and learn from experience, while at the same time working towards more streamlined data flows to be able to comply with the requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework. Appropriate arrangements must consider all relevant levels of government and the private sector in an approach that manages competing priorities and demand for resources.

Institutional arrangements promote strong coordination and collaboration among multiple decision-making levels, involving stakeholders and sectors to create buy-in into the transparency system and ensure effective data flow. Establishing such an institutional structure domestically requires time and effort and usually involves multi-stakeholder task forces and expert working groups. It also requires dedicated capacity development and communication strategies.

Area: Institutional arrangements
Sector: AFOLU, Energy, Industry, Livestock, Transport, Waste
Region: Africa
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa