Answer for Table 4(I): If you cannot differentiate between N fertilizers used for Agriculture purposes (See Question 10, Table3.D above) and LULUCF purposes, both Organic and Inorganic, I recommend you use the Notation Key “IE” for all the cells to report under Table 4(I) and include a commentary in the Documentation Box at the bottom of this table, linking this information with Table 3.D.
Answer for Table 4(II): First identify from all the subsectors from the Drop-down lists for Forest land, Cropland and Grassland which one is not happening in the country and assign them a “NO” notation key.
If some of the subsectors from the Drop-down list is existing in the country exist but you do not know the individual Area you may use the notation key “NE”
If you have only a single value for instance, for the Sector 4(II).D Wetlands and not for the subsectors below, create under the Subsector “Other” your own subcategory and include the information you have. In the previous cells in blank complete NO, NE as indicated above, or IE if the information is included into the subcategory already created.