Training Workshop for Reporting Soil Carbon Stock Change in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Training Workshop for Reporting Soil Carbon Stock Change in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
to Europe/Rome
Location: online

This online workshop was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN and the Global Soil Partnership, and financially supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. The objective was to introduce the basic rules, methodologies and tools related to greenhouse gas inventories (GHGIs) from land use, with focus on soil, as well as data management and mapping to both GHGI experts and soil scientists, for the purpose of supporting country capacities to estimate and report carbon stock change in mineral soil in their national GHGIs.   The workshop also included a presentation and discussion session so that experts can share experiences with and learn from other countries and from each other.  The workshop builds on the workshop on 29-30 June 2022 on “Estimating carbon stock changes from soil for climate-resilient and sustainable rice production systems”.