Kick-off Meeting: Initiating the Global Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Network Meeting
Kick-off Meeting: Initiating the Global Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme in Central Asia and the Caucasus
to Asia/Almaty
Location: Central Asia and the Caucasus

The main objective of the inception workshop is to introduce the Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) to the members of the regional network of Central Asia and the Caucasus and kick-off the project work plan with proposed activities for 2023.

It is expected that the participants will discuss the key findings of the capacity needs assessment of transparency, which has been recently conducted by the CBIT-GSP team and jointly agree on proposed project activities for 2023 to support them building technical and individual capacities on climate transparency and reporting in the region. 

Area: Climate transparency
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Asia
Language: Russian
Transparency Network: Central Asia and Caucasus