Institutional Arrangements for Transparency: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Moldova
Institutional Arrangements for Transparency: Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Moldova
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online
Screenshot from the webinar

Time: 10:00 - 11:00 CET | Date: March 14, 2024 | Format: Online

Please find the recording of the workshop on our YouTube channel HERE



In order to achieve timely submission of high-quality reports to the Convention and the Paris Agreement, countries must establish sustainable institutional arrangements for compiling and reporting such information on a regular basis or as needed for other national purposes. The current Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) mechanisms established by the Convention created a system where the reporting requirements, submission timelines for national reports, and the level of international review are less burdensome for non-Annex I Parties compared to those included in Annex I. The Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement builds upon and enhances the existing MRV arrangements, providing a common framework for all Parties. It outlines modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs), with flexibility tailored to the capacities of developing country Parties.

Institutions at various levels need to leverage existing knowledge and learn from past experiences while simultaneously streamlining data processes to meet the requirements of the Enhanced Transparency Framework. Relevant institutional arrangements therefore need to be established including all relevant data providers at different government levels, e.g. line ministries and subnational entities, national institutions and the private sector, while in the same time, ensuring the balance between identified priorities and available resources. By fostering robust coordination and collaboration across decision-making levels, involving stakeholders and sectors, countries can ensure buy-in for the transparency system and facilitate efficient data flows. Establishing strong institutional arrangements, including legal and regulatory preconditions, data collection and reporting systems, and capacity-building efforts, is essential. This ensures widespread availability of climate-related information, enabling effective climate action.

Moldova is a country recognized in the Eurasia Transparency Network for its functional and effective institutional set-up that enables the country to regularly report to the UNFCCC. So far Moldova has submitted 5 NIRs, 5NCs and 3BURs.  Currently, the country is boosting its capacities and efforts in implementing the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) provisions and developing the first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), in line with the submission deadline in December, 2024.


The main objective of the webinar is to is to provide an overview of the key elements of institutional arrangements which support the implementation of the ETF, and to facilitate experts and transparency practitioners of the Eurasia Transparency Network to improve their national institutional arrangements to implementing the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. Also, the webinar will provide insights and lessons learned of Moldova’s experience in establishing institutional arrangements for transparency in Moldova, as well as the opportunity to discuss with other members of the network on their own institutional structure for transparency reporting. 

Target Audience and Language 

The virtual exchange will bring together relevant transparency stakeholders, such as coordinators and senior experts from the national agencies dealing with climate reporting, thematic experts and other transparency practitioners involved in the preparation of reports under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, including NCs, NDCs and BURs/BTRs. 

Format and Timeline

This Webinar will be held in English. This session is expected to last up to 1 hour, with sufficient time dedicated to discussion, information exchange and Q&A sessions. 


To participate in this session, please register by  

Area: Climate transparency, Institutional arrangements
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Europe
Language: English
Transparency Network: Eurasia