Transparency is at the very core of the Paris Agreement. In the context of climate change, enhanced transparency framework (ETF) involves the reporting, review and facilitative multilateral consideration of progress of climate action and support. The ETF builds on and strengthens the existing measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The ETF is now fully operational, and Parties to the Paris Agreement require to submit their first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) latest by 31 December 2024[1], acknowledging that Small Islands Development States (SIDS) may submit at their discretion.
UNFCCC released the final versions of the ETF Reporting Tools on 28 June 2024. ETF Reporting Tools includes – GHG Inventory Reporting Tool, Progress Reporting Tool, and Support Reporting Tool. These tools are now available for use by Parties to electronically report information as stipulated by the modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs) of the enhanced transparency framework (decision 18/CMA.1).
At the national level, transparency builds resilience for future climate action ensuring that response to the climate crisis is both robust and evidence based. At the global level, submitting climate information and data under the ETF helps to build trust and track progress toward objectives of the Paris Agreement. Several Parties to the Paris Agreement already took first steps to implement the ETF by submitting the first BTRs[2].
The Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) are characterised by comparative smallness, remote location and archipelagic character, with diverse and unique national circumstances (see Annex 1 PICs in the Pacific Ocean and Annex 2 PICs indicators). This presents a distinct context for preparing climate reports. Despite these challenges, several PICs are making significant strides in enhancing their national climate reporting efforts by taking a number of initiatives. For instance, four PICs have begun implementing in-country CBIT projects, PICs are receiving technical assistance support for ongoing MRV systems, capacity building and sectoral GHG inventory development as well as preparation of national reports. These efforts, aimed at integrating transparency framework and meeting transparency requirements, are at different stages of implementation.
Since the inception of Pacific Network on Transparency in 2022, under the CBIT-GSP, funded by GEF, implemented by UNEP and executed by UNEP-CCC, PICs received a number of in-country support as well as regional events tailored in Pacific contexts during 2023 and 2024.
As the 2024 annual work plan draws to a close, it is important to reflect on results and achievements. This is an opportunity to share feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of the CBIT-GSP’s activities tailored in PICs contexts, and if and how activities have assisted PICs in awareness raising and capacity building on Paris Agreement reporting requirements. Towards the end of 2024, CBIT-GSP conducted a Rapid Assessment of Transparency Capacity, to evaluate the progress made and gaps in the national transparency systems of PICs. The assessment also aimed to address emerging needs, considering that each country in the Pacific is at varying levels of awareness and in-house capacity regarding meeting transparency requirements under the Paris Agreement.
The CBIT-GSP is organizing a two-hour virtual meeting on 28 January 2025 (Tuesday) via MS Team Online Platform[3]. This CBIT-GSP Pacific Network meeting will focus on discussing lessons learned and achievement during 2024 activities, as well as outlining the activities planned for 2025.
The overall objective of the Pacific Transparency Network meeting is to strengthen Pacific Islands Countries (PICs) transparency journey by evaluating the progress made in 2024 and reviewing key findings from the feedback received through the Rapid Assessment of Transparency Capacities survey. Through collaborative dialogue, PICs will share their experiences with CBIT-GSP’s in-country support and regional events, and will collectively develop the 2025 work plan, taking into account each PICs national circumstances. This meeting will also provide an opportunity to identify areas for enhancement, tailor support and avoid overlapping activities.