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Project Details
Uganda as a signatory to the PA is required to provide necessary information to track progress towards implementing and achieving NDCs and reducing GHG Emissions in the key emitting sectors of ; Agriculture, Energy and Transport, Waste and Forestry. The government of Uganda received a grant from GEF to support institutions to respond to enhanced transparency requirements of the PA. Under this project, there are three focus areas namely; 1) Support to establish and strengthen the institutional arrangement for robust GHGI and MRV system 2) Build capacity of key stakeholders to collect, process, and feed gender disaggregated data into the GHGI system 3) Test and pilot the GHGI and MRV system
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Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
Number of institutions equipped to provide support to project delivery | 2 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of manuals and plans to address identified gaps developed | 1 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of staff trained in MRV system and GHG inventory | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of cross-sectoral meetings to share lessons and best practices | 4 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of platforms created to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning on GHG inventory and MRV systems | 1 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of persons trained on compilation and publication of dissemination materials | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of stakeholder events to strengthen networking among GHG inventory and MRV actors | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of assessments to identify or confirm equipment and tools | 1 assessment in at least 3 sectors | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of sectors for which state-of-the-art equipment is procured | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of equipment and tool maintenance plans developed | 2 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of studies to understand training needs of staff from sectoral hubs and Ministry of Water and Environment | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of operational sectoral data systems feeding into national GHG inventory and MRV system | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of sectoral hubs compliant to national and CBIT platformreporting requirements of | 4 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of hubs facilitated to collect and transmit GHG data | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of staff oriented on CBIT platform | 10 staff (30% women) | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of hubs totally compliant to CBIT based on tier 2 | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of hubs for which GHG inventories are in place | 4 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of stakeholders aware of GHG inventory system and outputs | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of public finance options identified and mobilized for GHG and MRV capacity development | 2 project proposals | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of technical meetings to strengthen cooperation between sectoral hubs and Ministry of Water and Environment | 1 meeting per quarter | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of inter-sectoral arrangements on GHG inventory and MRV system | 4 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Perecentage increase in inter-sectoral interactions on GHG inventory and MRV data collection | 30% | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of gender focal points integrated in sectoral hubs | 5 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of governance structures to strengthen focal points in the sectors | 1 GHG inventory commitee established | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of hubs established for gender disaggregated data | 5 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of gender focal points integrated in sectoral hubs | 5 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of MoUs on data collection and sharing signed | 4 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of technical guides on data management, data sharing, and knowledge developed | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of meetings to strengthen data collection, processing, and sharing | 1 inter-sectoral meeting per quarter | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of GHG inventory and MRV system frameworks for collecting, processing, and sharing data | 1 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of cooperation mechanisms between stakeholders | 3 cooperation frameworks developed and operationalized | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of sectoral hubs equiped with standardized protocols, equipment, and tools for MRV | 3 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of technical staff trained in data collection, processing, and sharing | 50 staff (30% women) | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of protocols for data collection and processing developed and certified | Different types of targets | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of technical reports on needs and compliance to IPCC developed | 1 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of hubs with capacity for timely reporting and communication | 5 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of studies to strengthen capacity of field data teams | 2 | 0 | Not available in project proposal | |
Number of training manuals ans plans developed | 2 | 0 | Not available in project proposal |
Project Implementation