Project Details

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
# direct project beneficiaries disaggregated by gender 250 Female, 250 Male Low 0
National institutions for transparency related activities in line with national priorities are strengthened National institutions in line with national national priorities strengthened Low 0
Relevant tools, training, and assistance for meeting the provisions stipulated in Article 13 of the Agreement are provided Relevant tools, training, and assistance are provided in at least 2 regions Low 0
Improvement of transparency over time is assisted Strong Monitoring and Reporting systems – robust methodologies Low 0
Institutional Capacity for Climate Transparency Strengthened transparency institution(s) with capacity to implement transp. activities Low 0
Capacity Building and Long term strategy for Government and NPS (non Party Stakeholders) Climate Transparency are Strengthened National Level Institutional capacity is strengthened Low 0
Enhanced Quality Assurance (QA)/ Quality Control (QC) and verification processes as well as adoption of improvement plans Robust systems for GHG inventory and MRV Emission developed and established Low 0
Domestic MRV System completed, including capacity building for data survey and data collection and public awareness in implementing methodology MRV By Q14, National Registry Sytem for Adaptation Scheme is completed Low 0
NDC Implementation and Tracking Progress Strengthened NDC Implementation and Tracking Progress Strengthened in 5 targeted regions Low 0

Project Implementation

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Project Documents