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Project Indicators
Indicator | Target | Baseline | Value | Source of verification |
1.1: Data collecting and sharing protocols and regulations (in line with recent IPCC guidelines) are adopted by key institutions | 0 | |||
1.2: # of institutions using data collection and sharing protocols | At least 20 institutions | 0 | 0 | |
2.1: # of government staff and other relevant stakeholders using the data management platform (gender-disaggregated) | At least 24 (of which at least 50% are women) | 0 | 0 | |
2.2: % of training officers from climate transparency unit and others declaring to be in a better position to implement MRV systems | 50% (of which are at least 50% women) | 0 | 0 | |
3.1: Qualitative rating of Malawi's institutional capacity for transparency-related activities | Level 3 | Level 1 | 0 | |
3.2: # of trained sectoral field data teams declaring to be in a better position to manage data | At least 3 teams out of 5 sectors (AFOLU, energy, transport, industry & waste) | 0 teams | 0 |
Project Implementation
1: Establishing the National Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system
1.1 Institutional arrangement and inter-ministerial coordination mechanism established and formalized for data management activities
D.1.1.1: Report on stakeholder analysis and engagement as well as assessment of legal & regulatory framework on climate initiatives
D.1.1.2: Government Gazette notice establishing the institutional arrangement and Climate Transparency Unit and defining roles and responsibilities in the national MRV system
D.1.1.3: Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Climate Transparency Unit and data collection hubs
D.1.1.4: Formal documentation appointing data collection hubs’ focal points
D.1.1.5: Terms of reference and Key Performance Indicators for the Climate Transparency Unit and hubs' focal points
1.2: Country-specific emission factors and activity data for Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU), energy, industry, transport and waste sectors developed and made accessible to stakeholders
D.1.2.1: Report detailing the methodology, approach and timelines for developing country specific activity data and emission factors for the 5 key sectors
D.1.2.2: Report on the country-specific emission factors developed, including the methodologies, tools and assumptions adopted as well as a calculation report
D.1.2.3: Report on the country specific activity data developed, including the methodologies, tools and assumptions adopted as well as a calculation report
1.3: Data collection and sharing protocols and regulations including linkages between hubs customized in line with the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines and made available to institutions
D.1.3.1: Report of the proposed data collection and sharing protocols and regulations
D.1.3.2: Report on the adoption of data sharing protocols and regulations
2. Developing and operationalizing an integrated platform for data management
2.1: A data management platform customized to the country’s circumstances and operationalized to support the MRV system
D.2.1.1: A report assessing needs, constraints and gaps of existing technological and institutional capacity for the development of an online data management platform
D.2.1.2: One (1) stakeholder workshop to validate in 2.1.1 and one (1) stakeholder engagement workshop to get inputs on the structure of the online data management platform.
D.2.1.3: An online data management platform to support the national MRV system established with a report on its operationalization
2.2: Sector data collection and reporting tools for GHG emissions, climate actions and support needed and received customized and made available to relevant stakeholders
D.2.1.1: A report assessing needs, constraints and gaps of existing technological and institutional capacity for the development of an online data management platform
D.2.1.2: One (1) stakeholder workshop to validate in 2.1.1 and one (1) stakeholder engagement workshop to get inputs on the structure of the online data management platform.
D.2.1.3: An online data management platform to support the national MRV system established with a report on its operationalization
2.2: Sector data collection and reporting tools for GHG emissions, climate actions and support needed and received customized and made available to relevant stakeholders
D.2.2.1: A report on gap analysis of current data collection tools, templates and guidelines in Malawi's MRV system
D.2.2.2: Country-specific tools, templates and guidelines for data management
D.2.2.3: A national GHG manual detailing the processes and steps in data management processes
2.3: The climate transparency unit members and other relevant stakeholders trained on the effective management and use of the data platform to track NDC
D.2.3.1: One (1) training module and manual on platform use, operations and maintenance
D.2.3.2: Report on the training of the climate transparency unit members and other relevant stakeholders on use and management of the data platform (including results of a training survey)
2.4: Data from the GHG inventory and MRV system aggregated, entered into the platform and made publicly available
D.2.4.1: Data on GHG emissions, climate actions, support needed and received, challenges and vulnerabilities uploaded in the online data management platform
3: Targeted capacity building to strengthen institutional and individual capacities to meet the Paris agreement requirements on an Enhanced Transparency Framework
3.1: Field data teams from the key sectors (AFOLU, energy, transport, industry and waste sectors) assigned and trained in data management
D.3.1.1: Three (3) training modules (including: presentations, guides, handout notes.) /manual for field data collection teams on data management
D.3.1.2: A report on the training of the field data collection teams on data management (including results of a training survey)
3.2: Knowledge of relevant national stakeholders on the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement and their respective roles enhanced
D.3.2.1: One policy brief on transparency requirements in the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC
D.3.2.2: Six (6) workshop reports of semi-annual sensitization meetings on Enhanced Transparency Framework for policy makers and key staff drawn from the Climate Transparency Unit, EAD and other relevant agencies
3.3: Best practices on transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement, including gender mainstreaming, shared and scaled up through peer-exchange programs for relevant stakeholders via South-South interactions and the CBIT Global Coordination Platform
D.3.3.1: Annual report on peer to peer exchange activities events at the regional and international level
D.3.3.2: Annual report on peer to peer learning on participation in the CBIT Global platform