Country Leader Consultant for El Salvador - Capacity Building in Carbon Markets and Article 6 Readiness Proposal
Country Leader Consultant for El Salvador - Capacity Building in Carbon Markets and Article 6 Readiness Proposal

UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (UNEP LACO) has developed, together with eight (8) countries of the region, a Regional Readiness Proposal “Capacity Building in Carbon Markets and Article 6”. This proposal seeks to collectively improve: i) the overall knowledge of the scope and functioning of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement in Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and El Salvador through a regional approach and, ii) support the relevant stakeholders from these participating countries to comply with the institutional, technical and operational requirements to establish or participate in new or existing carbon markets. This will not only support the participating countries to comply with the goals established in their NDCs but also allow the national governments to increase their ambition, transparency and cooperation among parties in their commitments under the Paris Agreement. 

For the implementation of the project, UNEP LACO is looking for a Country Leader Consultant for El Salvador to steer down the execution of the Readiness activities in El Salvador, and who will i) work in close collaboration with the international consultants and firms in the development of activities and deliverables for El Salvador, ii) provide technical inputs to ensure high-quality Readiness deliverables, iii) maintain fluid conversations with El Salvador´s NDAs and local stakeholders and, iv) ensure that activities are developed according to El Salvador's national circumstances and priorities. 

The Lead Technical Specialist Consultant will be supervised by The UNEP’s Programme Management Officer of Energy Efficiency of the Climate Change Unit for Latin America and the Caribbean Office.  The incumbent will work at the Ministry of Environment of El Salvador (San Salvador, El Salvador) and will be expected to comply with 20 hours per week (part-time), Monday to Friday.

To apply please go to the link: