Realizing the goals of the Paris Agreement will require transformative changes with wide-ranging impacts on every community and sector of the economy. That is why the public should have a voice in planning for this change.
The development of long-term strategies provides one of the biggest opportunities governments have to involve the public in shaping climate action. Public engagement along with other good governance practices can improve political and public support, integrate and align the strategy with existing national planning efforts and can support near-term decision making. Yet, it’s not so easy in practice to coordinate national dialogue and build public trust among vastly divergent interests.
During this webinar, participants will hear real-world examples of governance arrangements for developing and implementing long-term, low-emissions development strategies and learn about new research that explores country experience.
• Siddharth Pathak, 2050 Pathways Platform
• Monica Araya, Costa Rica Limpia
• Claudia Octaviano, Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático, Mexico
• Cynthia Elliott, Associate, Global Climate Program, WRI
Webinar: Good Governance for Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategies
Location: Online