This webinar will focus on building audience understanding of the benefits and basic principles underlying LT-LEDS processes. The key learning objectives for participants are that they will feel increased confidence in the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of developing a LTS for their national context, and a clearer understanding of the international technical support available to them. A key outcome from participation is that participants will be motivated to progress to the next stage of more detailed exploration in preparation of developing a LTS (e.g. ‘readiness assessment’, follow up country specific engagement on LTS development, joining supportive communities of practice). The webinar will have a specific focus on governance aspects related to LTS and will include interactive discussion with participants. Please review the discussion questions below and be prepared to share experiences and lessons from your country. The webinar is organized by the Asia LEDS Partnership, LEDS Global Partnership and Climate Works Australia (CWA). Session Agenda· Introduction to ALP/LEDS GP and its services – Anandhan, Asia LEDS Partnership (5 minutes)· Introduction to the webinar – ClimateWorks Australia (5 minutes)· LTS background and overview including benefits, business case and key issues/lessons related to governance – 2050 Pathways Platform (10 minutes)· LTS stages and approach based on recent work in Pacific and south east Asia with a focus on governance - Climate Works Australia (10 minutes)· Country presentation on LTS work with a focus on governance issues – India based on Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP) work (15 minutes)· Facilitated discussion on LTS needs and interests in the Asia region – Facilitated by CWA - 45 minutes
Webinar: Long-term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS)
Location: Online