Webinar: Early lessons learned from CBIT project implementation - Chile and Uruguay
Webinar: Early lessons learned from CBIT project implementation - Chile and Uruguay
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online

While most countries are in the process of accessing CBIT funds, a handful of countries have initiated actual implementation of CBIT project activities. Uruguay and Chile were two of the first countries to access CBIT funds and both countries officially launched their projects last year. The initial phase of project implementation is crucial for achieving the expected results and this webinar will therefore focus on early lessons learned and on what can be useful at the very early stage of project implementation to ensure that a project takes off as expected. Key lessons learned from the inception phase in Chile and Uruguay will be presented with the aim of providing other countries that in a near future will initiate implementation of CBIT projects with tools and an improved understanding of how to generate inter alia high-level support and engage key stakeholders. The CBIT “will support developing country Parties, upon request, in meeting enhanced transparency requirements as defined in Article 13 of the Agreement in a timely manner” and the trust fund for CBIT is administered by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).The CBIT is now fully integrated into GEF-7 replenishment through the climate change focal area, and is open for applications.