Webinar: How to increase capacities in developing countries to support long term climate strategies
Webinar: How to increase capacities in developing countries to support long term climate strategies
to Europe/Copenhagen
Location: Online

In 2015, the Climate Paris Agreement invited countries to formulate and communicate long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (Article 4, paragraph 19 of the Paris Agreement). This invitation provides opportunities for countries to mainstream climate change together with other national policies to reinforce capacities overcome some of the most important barriers for effective long-term planning and NDC implementation. But how prepared are developing countries to respond to this invitation? How can the recently launched Capacity -building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) support developing countries to deliver institutionalized, inclusive and country-owned long-term Strategies? This webinar will explore how examples and lessons learned from similar fields can provide inspiration and practical ideas to apply to build capacity in the context of long-term strategies. Panelists Dr Nelson Mojarro (Secretary of Energy of Mexico, SENER) and Dr Christophe Rynikiewicz (UNEP DTU Partnership) will present their views and experiences in developing capacities for the implementation of public policies for development and energy transition, and discuss how to apply these experiences in the climate change field. This session will be introduced by Dr Miriam Hinostroza, Head of the Low Carbon Development Group at UNEP DTU Partnership.