Project Details


This project has three components that seek to overcome the critical barriers to achievement of the requirements of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement by The Gambia. The components were identified through a consultative process and as provided in the approved Project Identification Form (PIF), they aim to strengthen institutional and technical capacity of The Gambia to respond to the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement. The project components and their respective outcomes and outputs are described below: Component 1 will support capacity-building with a focus on strengthening the national Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sectors to the GHGI and MRV system to improve transparency. 

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Project Implementation


Outcome 1.1: Strengthened coordination, data sharing and engagement of key institutions/stakeholders in managing the National GHGI and MRV system.
Output 1.1.1: The National task force on GHGI and mitigation strengthened and formalized as a framework for inter-ministerial coordination and GHG data sharing
Output 1.1.2: Stakeholder roles defined in the operationalization of the GHGI, MRV system and GHG data management.
Output 1.1.3: Focal points in each of the key government ministries and institutions identified, strengthened, institutionalized, and functioning as hubs for data collection and processing.
Output 1.1.4: Gender focal points on climate change in the key institutions established and strengthened.
Outcome 1.2: A functional National Green House Gas Inventory (GHGI) and Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system in-line with UNFCCC standards
Output 1.2.1: Technical guides on data transmission and communication in compliance with IPCC standards developed.
Output 1.2.2: Functional online MRV system for collecting and managing NDC information.
Output 1.2.3: NDC sector interactions and compliance with IPCC reporting requirements strengthened.
Output 1.2.4: Strengthened technological capacity of key national institutions through provision of MRV equipment.
Outcome 2.1: Strengthened capacity of stakeholders to collect, process and feed GHG sectoral data into the GHGI.
Output 2.1.1: Field data teams from the key emission sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use, Energy, Transport, IPPU and Waste) trained in collection, processing, and transmission of GHG data.
Output 2.1.2: At least twenty people from the hubs and coordinating agency trained in domestic MRV systems, tracking NDCs, enhancement of GHG inventories and emission projections (at least 25% of the trainees are women).
Output 2.1.3: Sector Hubs participate in the process of preparation of the Biennial Update Report (BUR)
Output 2.1.4: Best practices shared and scaled out through peer exchange programs/workshops for stakeholders on transparency activities.
Output 2.1.5: One final project report published (outlining project achievements, lessons learnt, gaps and opportunities and way-forward for CBIT in The Gambia.
Outcome 3.1: An integrated knowledge management platform linked to the Global CBIT Coordination Platform is functional and used by stakeholders as a one stop source of information for transparency related activities.
Output 3.1.1: An integrated knowledge management platform for sharing transparency activities established and operational. An integrated knowledge management platform for sharing transparency activities will be established and operationalized.
Output 3.1.2: Knowledge Management Products generated and disseminated. This output will ensure that knowledge management products produced in component 3 are published to the relevant audience.
Outcome 4.1: An integrated monitoring and evaluation framework for the project.
Output 4.1.1: Periodic M&E reports generated and submitted to CI GEF Agency.
Output 4.1.2: A Terminal Evaluation Report generated by the project. Knowledge Management Products will be generated and disseminated, and a final evaluation undertaken to further document lessons.

Project Documents