Project Details

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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
A: # of institutions that have the capacity to collect and process data into info for policymaking 8 0 0 Survey by MEDD
C: # of direct beneficiaries, disaggregated by gender 120 0 0 Monitoring individuals involved in the national MRV systems
1.2: # of stakeholders using training and tools provided to develop policy and reports 26 0 0 Stakeholder feedback by project end

Project Implementation


Mauritania improves its Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and institutional capacity to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework
National institutions strengthened to coordinate, manage and report transparently on implemented climate change activities
Activity 1.1: Assess gaps and barriers preventing compliance with the requirements of the ETF under the Paris Agreement and disseminate them to ministry staff and other relevant stakeholders through MEDD.
Activity 1.2: Establish formal institutional arrangements and a legal framework to MRV GHG emissions, NDC implementation with regards to mitigation and adaptation, as well as support received and needed, based upon consultation with relevant stakeholders.
Activity 1.3: Formally establish modalities and procedures for MRV and share them with ministry staff and other relevant stakeholders.
Output 2. Technical support, training and tools provided to the country to submit transparent, consistent, comparable, complete and accurate greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories
Activity 2.1 Adapt tools, templates and protocols to the national context and test them in the GHG inventory elaboration
Activity 2.2: Establish a functional and centralized GHG inventory activity data collection network and share it with data providers.
Activity 2.3 Train the Working Group on making improved estimates for the AFOLU sector through the development and use of country-specific emission factors and higher IPCC tier approaches
Activity 2.4: Train ministries staff and other relevant stakeholders on MRV of GHG emissions in the four IPCC sectors Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste
Output 3. Technical support, training and tools provided to the country to track NDCs on Mitigation, Adaptation and support needed and received
Activity 3.1: Develop templates and guidelines and disseminate them to ministry staff and other relevant stakeholders for MRV in the five selected NDC themes
Activity 3.2: Integrate templates and guidelines for NDC tracking in the centralized climate data sharing network and train relevant stakeholders at the national scale on its use
Activity 3.3: Develop a verification manual of reported information and disseminate it to ministry staff and other relevant stakeholders.
Activity 3.4: Conceive, test, pilot and upscale the enhanced MRV system in the Energy and Agriculture sectors
Activity 3.5: Train and engage Ministries staff and other relevant stakeholders on MRV-related activities in the 5 selected NDC sectors.

Project Documents