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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
1.1 % of stakeholders with access to the database management system that declare the system is an improvement over existing mechanisms (shortened) At least 70% 0 0 Survey/questionaire to be completed before and after
1.2 Number of country specific emission factors developed. 3 0 0 National Inventory Reports, NC, BURs, BTRs.
1.3 % of training participants declaring to be in a better position to implement GHG Inventory QA/QC (shortened). At least 70% 0 0 Survey/questionaire to be completed before and after
2.1 % of relevant stakeholders identified in a stakeholder mapping declaring to be in a better position to track mitigation actions (shortened) At least 70% 0 0 Survey/questionaire to be completed before and after
2.2 % of relevant stakeholders identified in a stakeholder mapping declaring to be in a better position to track adaptation actions (shortened) At least 70% 0 0 Survey/questionaire to be completed before and after
2.3 % of relevant stakeholders identified in a stakeholder mapping declaring to be in a better position to track climate finance (shortened) At least 70% 0 0 Survey/questionaire to be completed before and after

Project Implementation


The Maldives is able to regularly compile consistent and accurate sectorial GHG inventories to regularly report to UNFCCC.
1.1. Institutional arrangements for cross ministry cooperation to systemize data collection and processing for preparing GHG inventory to comply with the ETF established and formalized.
1.1.1: Review the findings of the stocktaking exercise done for the BUR1 project and assess its relevance and any potential gaps related to role, responsibilities, resources, personnel and data collection capacity of key line ministries and agencies.
1.1.2: Develop design options for institutional arrangements and finalizing the design through consultations (shortened: see CEO for entire activity)
1.1.3: Finalize the permanent structures and processes in line with the roles and responsibilities of involved sectorial stakeholders for the GHG inventory system through stakeholder consultations.
1.1.4: Draft technical guidelines defining the roles and responsibility of line ministries, agencies and relevant stakeholders for GHG data collection for consideration and adoption by the Ministry of Environment.
1.1.5: Draft three (3) generic MOUs for government institutions, stateowned companies/companies with majority government shares and private sector stakeholders and initiate the process for its adoption.
1.1.6: Organize three (3) stakeholder workshops with all involved ministries to inform about the inter-ministerial cooperation mechanism and the related roles and tasks.
1.2. National GHG database management system for GHG data established in the Ministry of Environment.
Activity 1.2.1: Design the database management system for data storage related to GHG inventory with access for ministries to feed in data and undertake sectoral inventory provisions, as well as mechanisms for QA/QC (shortened: see CEO for entire wording).
1.2.2: Develop guidelines and protocols for data collection and reporting to ensure consistency and quality of data.
1.2.3: Design a database for the Ministry of Transport data in line with the GHG data requirements of Ministry of Environment.
1.2.4: Develop sector specific GHG emission spreadsheets, toolkits and guidelines for relevant key categories.
1.2.5: Conduct four (4) training workshops on GHG inventory compilation and maintenance of the database management system for the staff involved in GHG inventory compilation.
1.3. Country-specific emission factors, for the relevant source categories of energy, and/or waste sectors developed to increase the reliability and accuracy of the GHG Inventory.
1.3.1: Conduct an emission-factor study and develop country specific emission factors for Energy Industries ? Liquid Fuels (1.A.1) and Water-borne Navigation - Liquid Fuels (1.A.3.d). (shortened, see CEO for entire wording)
1.3.2: Conduct one (1) workshop on the country specific emission factors.
1.4 Modalities and procedures for implementation of QA/QC designed and adopted by inventory team based in Ministry of Environment.
Activity 1.4.1: Develop a QA/QC plan for GHG Inventory preparation (shortened, see CEO for entire wording)
1.4.2: Adapt guidance and training material for staff in lead and line agencies on the application of QA/QC procedures in the GHG inventory compilation.
1.4.3: Develop a mechanism by which MEA can verify power production data.
1.4.4: Provide training to staff in the different agencies involved in the GHG inventory process to introduce the QA/QC plan and distribute checklists.
2. The Maldives tracks and reports transparently its mitigation and adaptation in implementing NDC to UNFCCC and inform climate policy and action development.
2.1: Institutional mechanism and legal framework for inter-ministerial cooperation on systemizing data collection and processing of climate change mitigation data established and formalized with Ministry of Environment as a leading agency.
2.1.1: Update the gaps and needs identified in the BUR1 for establishment of a robust MRV system by holding a consultative workshop for all the stakeholders involved in MRV of mitigation actions.
2.1.2: Based on the updated gaps and needs identified under Activity 2.1.1, strengthen the institutional arrangements for the monitoring of mitigation actions (shortened, see CEO for entire wording).
2.1.3: Coordinate with President's Office and get a presidential decree to formalize the institutional arrangement for MRV of NDC mitigation actions.
2.1.4: Develop guidelines on reporting procedures of GHG emission reduction estimations from mitigation measures, especially in the Energy sector and train the staff involved in implementation of mitigation actions.
2.1.5: Provide training to related stakeholders to enhance technical capacities on processes and procedures for on reporting GHG emission reductions and energy/mitigation modelling software such as LEAP-IBC, HOMER and basic statistics.
2.1.6: Develop the Roadmap Draft (the process and phases for ETF) and update it after further consultations. The roadmap details the activities that need to be implemented for obtaining reliable and regular information on GHG emissions and mitigation actions.
2.1.7: Conduct energy supply and demand study for year 2018-2020 with capacity building of the Ministry of Environment staff.
2.2 Indicators for tracking mitigation actions, methods and tools for estimating indicators, templates and protocols for collecting data to estimate indicators, etc., including data base storage and management system, developed and operationalized.
2.2.1: Develop sector specific sex disaggregated indicators with support of sectorial experts and stakeholders for tracking of the Maldives' mitigation actions.
2.2.2: Develop tools and methodologies for estimating the indicators and protocols for data monitoring needed for estimating indicators.
2.2.3: Provide recommendations of indicators, characteristics, periodicity for gathering information, and the actors and institutions in charge of measuring them.
2.2.4: Develop training modules, guidelines and provide training for staff in relevant agencies on the use of and the reporting on the specific indicators.
2.2.5: Define and implement a specific validation method for the list of recommended indicators.
2.2.6: Establish a linked online data management system to collect, aggregate and archive mitigation data, integrated and coordinated with the GHG inventory (Activity 1.2.1), adaptation (Activity 2.3.3) and support (Activity 2.4.4). (shortened, see CEO for full wording)
2.3 Tracking Adaptation Actions: data collection mechanism enhanced for local level adaptation planning.
2.3.1: With reference to the NAP process, review any ongoing stock taking activities, and address any gaps with respect to the legal arrangements, mandates and institutional framework for
adaptation monitoring.
2.3.2: Establish and formalize institutional arrangements, modalities, outlining reporting, role and responsibilities and take advantage of synergies with the NAP institutional arrangements and legal framework.
2.3.3: Carry out a feasibility study for the standardization of climate risk, vulnerability and adaptation databases.
2.3.4: Establish and maintain the adaptation database system in collaboration with different stakeholders involved in the NAP process, integrated and coordinated with mitigation action tracking (Activity 2.2.6) and support (Activity 2.4.4).
2.3.5: Amend existing tools and methodologies for tracking adaptation on key vulnerable area: Early Warning and Systematic Observation, identified in the Maldives NDC.
2.3.6: Pilot the improved tools and methodologies developed under activity 2.3.6 in Five (5) selected islands and train the local council's staff on collection of extreme weather events information.
2.3.7: Develop a full set of operational climate risk, vulnerability, or adaptive capacity indicators for agriculture sector.
2.4 Tracking support for NDC Implementation: Institutional arrangements, including methodology and tools for monitoring and reporting support and Web based reporting system developed and integrated in national financial systems.
2.4.1: Take stock of present institutional arrangements to track supports received in the Maldives particularly gap analysis of the current tagging initiatives at the Ministry of Finance including procedures and processes of involved agencies and ministries.
2.4.2: Carry out a gap's analysis, especially with regard to the flow of financial information and inter-ministerial communication.
2.4.3: Formalize and strengthen the institutional arrangement, outlining the responsibilities of ministries and agencies to deliver the necessary data and information to track progress and developing required mandates for data sharing procedures and outlining reporting responsibilities.
2.4.4: Systematize the reporting of climate finance received and delivered across the ministries by develop the tagging system, including methodology, in close collaboration with Ministry of Finance. (Shortened, see CEO for full wording)
2.4.5: Develop framework for reporting by non-state actors e.g. NGOs and private sector on climate finance received and invested in actions for climate change or related actions, in consultation with the stakeholders.
2.4.6: Organize and implement training activities for relevant staffs for reporting mechanism, report on support received for climate change actions from international donors (by government or non-state actors) and investments made by private sector.
2.4.7: Identify potential linking points and establish linkages between the climate finance tagging system with other database developed for tracking of adaptation and mitigation action.
2.5 Partnership and knowledge-sharing activities on transparency in regional level established in coordination with the global CBIT project.
2.5.1: Conduct the project inception workshop
2.5.2: Participate in peer-to-peer exchange workshop in the region on transparency activities, challenges and lessons-learnt.
2.5.3: Establish a portal at Ministry of Environment website to enable access to the workshop reports and training materials developed under the CBIT project.

Project Documents