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Project Indicators

Indicator Target Baseline Value Source of verification
Percentage of progress in the approval, adjustment and official launch of the SINGEI platform in Colombia By 2025, the 100% of the SINGEI has been tested, adjusted and officially launche Since 2017 with the TNCC Colombia has conceptually designed the SINGEI (IDEAM internal document not published). In addition, thanks to the support of the USAAL RALI Program, a first design of the SINGEI platform was advanced. 23% biannual report
Percentage of development of the module for the calculation of scenarios and emission projections for the Energy and AFOLU sectors of SINGEI. By 2025, will be 100% progress in the module for the development of scenarios 0 % progress on this issue in the unpublished conceptualization documents of SINGEI, beyond identifying its need 20% biannual report
Progress percentage of the MRV system strengthening process to provide a national inventory with transparent information By 2025 there will be a 100% progress in of strengthening the MRV System Since 2017 with the TCNCC, Colombia has made progress in strengthening its MRV system, especially in relation to the emission report. INGEIs are developed under the IPCC 2006 guidelines and now cover a part of the categories, with their own emission facto 25% biannual report
Delivery dates of the Report Mechanisms compared to the expected delivery dates from the UNFCCC; and the time gap extent (measured in years) By 2025, SINGEI, as part of the MRV System, will support the First BTR. Colombia has delivered to date 3 national communications, the first two with an interval of 9 years between them and 7 years between the second and third communications. BUR 3 was submitted in 2021, with INGEI information as of 2018 and therefore the reporting gap is 3 years. biannual report
Inventory uncertainty reduction level for emissions and total absorptions; and percentage of activity data in prioritized (Energy and AFOLU) By 2025, the level of uncertainty in the Inventory will have been reduced to 5% for total emissions and 6% for total removals; and in 80% of the data used to estimate emissions and removals in substantially GHG inventory categories (Energy and AFOLU) The uncertainty calculation made between the TCNCC and the BUR-2 shows an important advance in the reduction of uncertainty. Regarding Average uncertainty in total emissions the calculation moves from 14% in the TCNCC to 6% in the BUR-2 calculations. , the levels of uncertainty in the inventory data are: for AFOLU emissions: (-6.3% and +6.3%) for AFOLU removals: (-8.4% and +8.4%) for Energy emissions: (-4.4 % - 6.6%) . All these inventory categories include uncertainty information biannual report
Number of training programs implemented in gender mainstreaming in GHG By 2025, 4 training to strengthen capacities in gender mainstreaming in GHG There is no baseline in the country on the incorporation of a gender perspective in accounting and transparency mechanisms for GHG emissions and removals one training program has been implemented. This training includes gender mainstreaming in GHG & and transparency in information related to climate change. Thus, the midterm target is expected to be achieved at the end of 2023. biannual report
Level of fugitive emissions from the oil and gas sector calculated by applying Tier 2 and Tier 3 methods to reduce the uncertainty of information to e By 2025, Colombia will have its first inventory calculations including the estimation of fugitive emissions from the oil and gas subsectors with Tier 2 and Tier 3 calculated using own emission factors. Currently, there are no own emission factors in the country at Tier2 and Tier3 levels for oil and gas production For the last report on the estimation of fugitive emissions from the oil & gas sector of the BUR 3, the IPCC methodology was used, maintaining the Tier 1 estimation. biannual report
Percentage of reduction of uncertainty in the key categories of the Energy and AFOLU sectors combined with the National Inventory included in the BUR2 By 2025, key categories in the AFOLU and Energy sectors will have reduced their uncertainty by 5 – 15% compared to the National GHG Inventory included in Colombia’s Second BUR (BUR2) Although from the TCNCC and the BUR the country has begun to calculate the uncertainty in its inventories, it is still necessary to improve this calculation especially in the AFOLU sector and some categories of the Energy sector To date, the method has been developed and is available in its first draft, so it needs to be validated biannual report
Number of sector indicators developed and available at national and subnational levels to guide relevant decision making. By 2025, twelve (12) indicators on sectoral emissions at the national and subnational levels will have been developed and being available for the different sectors to guide their decision making. the country advances in the sectorial work to improve the information that is given to them to guide their decision making, so, both in the TCNCC and in the BUR-2 the national inventory has been delivered by economic sectors and not by modules IPCC The indicators are being developed. By now, 25 indicators of emissions intensity and shares are under analysis biannual report
Number of new categories not previously included in the inventory in the Energy and AFOLU sectors included in the National GHG Inventory. By 2025, 4 inventory categories not estimated in the Energy and/or AFOLU sectors According to the information included in Colombia’s second BUR, there are 9 categories (comprising subcategories) which have not been estimated. As of the reporting date, progress is being made in the collection of sectoral information in estimation data, but a complete estimate will be provided in 2024 in BTR-1. It is expected to have the identification of the new categories by 2023. biannual report
Number of validated methods to estimate baselines for the construction of scenarios, according to the sectoral distribution of emissions. By 2024, eight (8) validated methods to estimate baselines for the construction of GHG scenarios will have been developed, in accordance with the sectoral distribution of GHG emissions (1. Energy Industries, 2. Industry, 3. Transport, 4. Residential, 5. C there is not yet an official methodology to estimate the baseline of emissions, that could facilitate the process of periodic review and update of the commitments made by the Country. the first draft of the accounting rules is available to facilitate the process of defining methods for estimating baselines for GHG projections for all sectors. biannual report
Number of scenarios and projections made for the Energy and AFOLU sectors that support the work processes of the NDC of Colombia By 2025, there will be at least 4 scenarios and emission projections for the AFOLU and Energy sectors and categories in Colombia there was no scenarios and projections of emissions made from the national inventory. To date the project is progressing in the scenarios developing, biannual report
Number of inventory categories identified and prioritized with a gender perspective to guide future mitigation measures at the national level. By 2025, there will be at least 2 categories of inventory identified, with their pilot tests developed, as gender-sensitive to guide future mitigation measures at the national level. No related documents / studies have been developed in Colombia. 0 biannual report
Evaluation of how the Project’s M&E instruments reflect its Theory of Change and expected results By 2025, the Terminal evaluation and other Project M&E instruments reflect the theory of change and expected results. The Project has a ToC and UNDP, IDEAM and MinAmbiente have developed arrangements for project tracking (knowledge of rules and procedures). The project's 2022 and 2023 annual planning was carried out following the approval of the Steering Committees. biannual report
Number of international cooperation scenarios established to disseminate knowledge and Project results. By 2025, 4 international cooperation scenarios to disseminate Project’s results there are South – South cooperation networks in the areas of National GHG Inventories such as the Latin American Network on GHG Inventories (RedINGEI) By the end of 2023, 2 cooperation scenarios will have been developed as planned. biannual report

Project Implementation


1.1 Increased transparency and timeliness of Colombia's GHG inventory process by means of a National GHG Inventory System (SINGEI).
1.1.1 National GHG SINGEI is strengthened.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.1.2 SINGEI protocols are implemented.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.2 Uncertainty of the data to estimate GHG emissions from prioritized inventory categories is estimated and managed.
1.2.1 Uncertainty management training program designed and delivered across key data providers for prioritized inventory categories (AFOLU and Energy).
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.2.2 Uncertainty of the data used to estimate emissions and removals in prioritized GHG inventory categories is estimated and reported.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
1.3 capacity building for gender mainstreaming in GHG emissions and removals accounting and estimation
1.3.1 One (1) training program implemented and its impact evaluated to strengthen capacities in gender mainstreaming in the mechanisms for transparency and accounting of GHG emissions and removals.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1 Reduced uncertainty of the information used to estimate GHG emissions in key Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) categories of the energy sector.
2.1.1 Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 methods to estimate GHG emissions from stationary combustion and fugitive emissions in the oil & gas sector are developed.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.2 Institutional arrangements to improve information flows for the generation of the Colombian Energy Balance (BECO) - including energy use and fuel consumption in mining activities and the manufacturing industry - are established.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.3 Procedures for reporting and validation activities related to the Environmental Unified Registry for the Manufacturing Sector (RUA Manufacturero) is implemented.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.4 Country-specific data on key variables to estimate GHG emissions from transportation are developed and/or updated and systematized.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.1.5 Data on fuel use for energy purposes in the commercial, institutional, residential and agricultural sectors and BECO are available at a subnational (department/level) scale.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.2 Policy-relevant GHG emissions indicators are made available to inform sectoral decision-making
2.2.1 Information flows and policy-relevant indicators for the generation of the BECO, including energy use and fuel consumption (mining and the manufacturing industry), elaborated and strengthened.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
2.3 Improved estimates of CO2 emissions and removals from prioritized AFOLU land-cover related categories through high quality scientific information.
3.1.1 Database providing country-specific emission factors with associated documentation for key land-cover change categories of the AFOLU sector is available.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.1.2 Data gaps on forest fires, logging and firewood consumption filled through an updated National Forestry Information System (SNIF).
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.1.3 Estimates of CO2 emissions and removals resulting from carbon stock changes in key land-cover categories of the AFOLU sector are published in Colombia’s Third Biennial Update Report (BUR), to be submitted in 2020.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.1 GHG’s Scenarios and projections estimated for the Energy and AFOLU sectors, through high quality scientific information.
3.2.1 The methodologies for the calculation of baselines are defined and validated as a main instrument to be used in the construction of the national GHG’s scenarios
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.2.2 Scenarios and projections until 2030 are calculated, which will be used in order to adjust the NDC baseline.
(specific activities and deliverables to be provided upon approval of project document)
3.2. A pilot project to identify inventory categories in prioritized sectors with a gender perspective to guide the development of differential mitigation measures at the national level.
Análisis e identificación de las categorías y subcategorías del inventario, sensibles al género
4.1. Establishment of international cooperation scenarios to disseminate the Project's knowledge and results, strengthen institutional arrangements and increase global cooperation.
One (1) international cooperation scenario developed to disseminate the knowledge and results of the Project.
4.2. Project performance and project process and impact monitoring
Quarterly monitoring of the gender action plan, risks, stakeholder participation plan is carried out within the framework of the quarterly monitoring and evaluation meetings.

Project Documents