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Project Indicators

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Project Implementation


1.1 Institutional arrangements coordinating information and data collection from the agriculture and land use sectors into ETF processes and reports enhanced
1.1.1 Coordination mechanism strengthened, integrating relevant authorities from the agriculture and land use sector into national UNFCCC reporting processes
Output 1.1.1 progress
1.1.2 National ETF monitoring and reporting roadmap for the agriculture and land-use sectors prepared and adopted
Output 1.1.2 progress
1.1.3 Capacity developed to clarify measurement and reporting of key NDC information (baselines, business-as-usual scenarios, targets) and support provided for ETF reporting in the agriculture and land-use sectors
Output 1.1.3 progress
1.1.4 Cambodia's engagement strengthened in the agriculture and land-use sectors with international transparency-related processes under the UNFCCC
Output 1.1.4 progress
1.2 Best practices on ETF reporting processes, information gathering, system infrastructure, methodologies in the agriculture and land-use sectors disseminated to relevant priority sectors (e.g. energy, industry/trade, transportation)
1.2.1 Multi-sectorial coordination mechanism strengthened integrating relevant authorities, data and information systems into national UNFCCC reporting processes
Output 1.2.1 progress
1.2.2 ETF lessons learned from agriculture and land-use sectors monitored, captured, up-scaled and shared to enhance wider national, regional and global reporting (e.g. via the Global Coordination Platform)
Output 1.2.2 progress
1.2.3 Peer exchange program on transparency activities established for relevant priority sectors
Output 1.2.3 progress
2.1 Reporting on inventories of emissions sources and sinks and mitigation activities from agriculture and land-use sectors strengthened
2.1.1 Regular and systematic documentation and archiving process established to ensure accuracy and sustainability of the inventory, including quality assurance and quality control, in the agriculture and land- use sectors
Output 2.1.1 progress
2.1.2 GHG information management system (MIS) and infrastructure for agriculture and land-use sectors upgraded (interface w/ 3.1.3)
Output 2.1.2 progress
2.1.3 Capacity and system hardware developed for relevant institutions at different levels to adopt and mainstream latest tools and methodologies to develop country specific emissions factors, improve activity data and better quantify the impact of mitigation policy measures
Output 2.1.3 progress
2.1.4 National/sectoral reports prepared and submitted on inventory of emissions sources and sinks and emissions reduction activities from agriculture and land-use sectors consistent with latest UNFCCC guidance
Output 2.1.4 progress
3.1 Monitoring and reporting of NDC priority adaptation actions in the agriculture and land-use sectors strengthened
3.1.1 Assessment of relevant good practice methodologies and frameworks for monitoring and reporting NDC priority adaptation actions in the agriculture and land-use sectors
Output 3.1.1 progress
3.1.2 National/sectoral appropriate indicators and monitoring and reporting framework developed for NDC priority adaptation actions in the agriculture and land use sectors
Output 3.1.2 progress
3.1.3 Adaptation information management system (MIS) and system infrastructure for agriculture and land-use sectors upgraded (interface w/ 2.1.2)
Output 3.1.3 progress
3.1.4 Capacity and system infrastructure developed supporting relevant institutions at different levels to adopt and mainstream monitoring and reporting processes for NDC priority adaptation actions in the agriculture and land-use sectors (interface w/ 2.1.3)
Output 3.1.4 progress
3.1.5 National reports prepared and submitted on priority adaptation activities in the agriculture and land-use sectors consistent with latest UNFCCC guidance
Output 3.1.5 progress

Project Documents