BTR Hotline - Tables submission
Francesco Locatelli

Is it possible for a country to submit the BTR without the CTF and CRT tables, and can we just provide the Excel format that the country has been using for the inventory?


Nailia Timerkhanova
Thank you for this comprehensive response.
Francesco Locatelli
Based on paragraph 4, Decision -/CMA.3, each Party shall report the information referred to in paragraphs 65–78 of that annex in a narrative and common tabular format, as applicable, noting that the information provided in the common tabular format may be further complemented by other formats in a Party’s biennial transparency report, as applicable. Based on paragraph 38, Decision 18CMA.1, each Party shall provide a national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHGs. The national inventory report consists of a national inventory document and the common reporting tables. There is not any flexibility on this and no national excel formats are allowed instead of CTF and CRT.