Assisting Lebanon in the BTR preparation: Hands on workshop on reporting on Tracking NDC mitigation and the Support received and needed
Assisting Lebanon in the BTR preparation: Hands on workshop on reporting on Tracking NDC mitigation and the Support received and needed
to Asia/Beirut
Location: Online
Beautiful Beirut


Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) lie at the core of the Paris Agreement and play a key role in achieving its long-term objectives. The NDCs represent the collective efforts of each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. As per the Paris Agreement, every participating Party is required to develop, communicate, and consistently update their NDCs, outlining their intended contributions aimed at achieving specific climate goals. 

The Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), established under the Paris Agreement, requires all Parties to submit their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) by the end of 2024. The Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs), formulated to implement transparency in reporting under the Paris Agreement, defined specific new requirements for reporting progress made in implementing and achieving nationally determined contribution (NDC) {Article 13.7(b)}. Each Party shall provide the information necessary to track progress in implementing and achieving its NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. As such, all Parties (shall)undergo the facilitative multilateral consideration of progress with respect to efforts under Article 9, and its respective implementation and achievement of its NDCs {Article 13.11}. The results should be included in a specific chapter of the BTR (Chapter II). Additionally, all Parties must submit the common tabular formats (CTFs) to the UNFCCC as part of each country´s BTR submission process. 

Although many countries are aware of Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, there is still limited understanding of the reporting requirements as spelt out in the MPGs. Most countries have not received specific training on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and the mandatory elements of the MPGs of the Paris Agreement. Yet, the provision of clear and understandable data and information in the BTR and the NDC plays a crucial role in ensuring transparency under the ETF and supports achieving the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement. Tracking and reporting NDCs pose a challenge for developing countries, as they require enhanced and more comprehensive reporting on mitigation actions and results, including the completion of common tabular forms (CTFs).

In response to Lebanon’s request to the CBIT-GSP for capacity building of the team responsible for preparing the BTR, a virtual workshop will be organized. The workshop aims to assist Lebanon’s team in addressing any gaps and clarifying questions related to completing the CTF tables, whether concerning the reporting and tracking of NDC implementation and achievement, or the support received and required.


This workshop aims to organize a practical working session and facilitate in-depth discussions to support Lebanon in preparing its first BTR. The objective is to address any gaps and challenges faced by the team of experts responsible for transparency, particularly concerning electronic reporting via the Common Tabular Formats (CTFs). The focus will be on tracking progress in the implementation and achievement of Lebanon's NDC under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as well as on the support needed and received.

This webinar will also offer participants the opportunity to engage with experts and exchange insights, assisting Lebanon in tracking its progress toward NDC targets, as well as reporting on the support needed and received. This will help ensure compliance with the UNFCCC's modalities, procedures, and guidelines for reporting under the ETF.

Target Audience and Language

This virtual workshop is designed for Lebanon's national team responsible for preparing the first BTR, along with sectoral stakeholders involved in NDC tracking and reporting on the Support needed and received. 

The webinars will be conducted in English, but participants are welcome to communicate in their preferred language, whether Arabic, French or English.

Area: Climate mitigation, Climate support, Climate transparency, NDC tracking
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Asia
Language: English
Country: Lebanon
Transparency Network: Middle East and North Africa