IPCC Workshop on IPCC Inventory Software
In Person
IPCC Workshop on IPCC Inventory Software
to Asia/Baku
Location: Baku, Azerbaijani

The IPCC inventory software is a mature system designed to offer inventory compilers maximum flexibility and enhanced consistency with IPCC Guidelines in the preparation of their national greenhouse gas inventories. Over 2024 the IPCC inventory software has been redeveloped to integrate with the UNFCCC’s new Emission Reporting Tool to be used by parties to the Paris Agreement to meet their reporting commitments. Using this ‘interoperability function’ of the IPCC inventory software will improve accuracy and save resources for parties in their reporting under the Paris Agreement.

The aim of this IPCC Workshop is to demonstrate how to estimate and report a national GHG inventory with the IPCC Inventory Software and its interoperability function for reporting to the UNFCCC reporting tool. The workshop will include hands-on demonstrations in sectoral break out groups. The draft agenda is included in Attachment A.
Note that this workshop will be a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting with facilities available for remote participation.
To ensure the smooth running of the workshop, please install the latest version of the IPCC Inventory Software on your own laptop before the workshop. The link to where the software can be installed from is: Inventory Software - IPCC-TFI (iges.or.jp). This link includes the user guide and other information to assist with software installation and getting started.
It is important to note when installing the software:

The software is only available on Windows, and is not available for iOS (Apple computers)

Admin rights are required to install the software
A pre-workshop webinar will be held on 15 August 2024 (19:00 Japan Standard Time [12:00 CEST (Geneva)]) to explain the software installation processes. More details to follow.

Area: Climate transparency
Sector: AFOLU, Energy, Industry, Livestock, Waste
Region: Global
Language: English
Agency: UNFCCC
Country: Azerbaijan
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa, Anglophone Caribbean, Asia, Central Asia and Caucasus, Eurasia, Francophone, Lusophone Cluster, Middle East and North Africa, Pacific, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean