11th meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts
11th meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts

Eleventh meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts 

Summary of outcome

The eleventh meeting of the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) took place on 5 to 7 February 2024, in Bonn, Germany, and attended by all the CGE members. 

Key summary of the outcomes of the meeting includes the following: 

  • The CGE elected Ms. Jenny Mager (Chile) as the Chair and Ms. Sandra Boitumelo Motshwanedi (South Africa) as the Rapporteur for 2024.
  • The main objective of the meeting was to develop its annual workplan including priorities and key activities in 2024.
  • With an aim to facilitate timely submission of the first biennial transparency reports, the group decided to focus its technical support and advice in 2024 on supporting the developing country Parties in their efforts in the preparation and submission of these reports and agreed to organize its regional hands-on training workshops on the biennial transparency reports (BTRs) to facilitate preparation of various chapters, use of the ETF reporting tools and promote peer learning and peer review of the information to be reported in BTRs. The group also plans to organize regional webinars in advance of the respective workshop with a view to introducing the objectives and theoretical information that will be covered in the workshop.
  • The group agreed to continue enhancing its communication and outreach activities in 2024, and also its collaboration efforts with other expert groups and constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including the Adaptation Committee and Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee, as well as with other intergovernmental and international organizations, to pursue potential synergies on planning for the capacity building activities.
  • The CGE reviewed and revised its “metrics to measure the progress”, capturing the guidance from the SBI and additional components on lessons learned and good practices.
  • Finally, the CGE tentatively agreed to organize its 12th meeting in September 2024.
Area: Climate transparency
Sector: Cross-cutting
Language: English
Agency: UNFCCC
Country: Germany