Cuba/ICAT SB60 side-event: Using Data to Assess and Improve Climate Policies
In Person
Cuba/ICAT SB60 side-event: Using Data to Assess and Improve Climate Policies
to Europe/Berlin
Location: Room Berlin, World Conference Center Bonn

Robust transparency mechanisms and quality climate data can enable the design and implementation of effective climate change policies. Credible and robust data facilitates evidence-based decision-making across all sectors. For countries, transparency frameworks can help in setting ambitious yet attainable climate objectives and tracking the implementation of measurable policies.

The event, co-hosted by the government of Cuba and ICAT/UNOPS, will explore how developing countries are using data to assess the impact, improve, and track the implementation of climate policies, drawing on global lessons learned and the methodological support available. Case studies in the sectors of energy, and agriculture will showcase examples of impactful use of data and assessments made for evidence-based climate policies.

Speakers will include government officials and national experts from Cuba, Kenya, Vanuatu (TBC) and Zimbabwe, and counterparts from the ICAT Secretariat. 

More information here.

Area: Climate adaptation, Climate mitigation, Climate transparency
Sector: AFOLU, Energy
Region: Global
Agency: ICAT