Training on the LULUCF sector of the national GHG inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Training on the LULUCF sector of the national GHG inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Country Parties (countries) to the UNFCCC must periodically compile their national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories and communicate them to the UNFCCC secretariat. GHG inventories help to track GHG emissions and removals from sources and sinks and their trends over time, constituting fundamental information in the efforts towards stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Consequently, GHG inventories are indispensable for national and international mitigation efforts. 

A sound inventory is a valuable foundation upon which robust national polices can be developed and implemented, and climate actions can be planned including developing the baseline of GHG emissions/removals, developing GHG emission/removal projections, assessing the policy options and establishing feasible mitigation targets, which are foundational to national and international GHG mitigation efforts.

Development of the GHG inventory is a complex process requiring robust and sufficient institutional arrangements and data collection from various sources and from multiple stakeholders, from relevant ministries, national institutions to private stakeholders. Data collection is a key initial step in the development of the GHG inventory and thus requires that stakeholders fully understand the type and format of the necessary data. Robust institutional arrangements ensure that all relevant stakeholders are involved in the GHG inventory preparation with clear and defined roles.

Development of GHG inventory is the process that is continuously being improved as their actors improving their capacities trough capacity-building support on the different aspects of the GHG Inventory compilation following the 2006 IPCC guidelines and related IPCC Software. However, capacity gaps, lack of awareness and knowledge remains a constant challenge for developing countries due to lack of coordination among the key actors, lack of human capacities and institutional memory, and outsourcing of GHG inventory development from the external experts and even companies. 

In accordance with the provisions of Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement all countries must submit their 1st Biennial Transparency Report, including their national GHG inventory under the ETF, at the latest by 31st December 2024 and every two years thereafter. However, compering to current reporting framework the GHG inventory requirements are enhanced under the ETF, and many developing countries expect to face challenges in developing their GHG inventories that meet the ETF (e.g. filling the CRT, data requirements, 2006 IPCC Guidelines etc.). As per capacity assessment conducted by CBIT GSP many developing countries are in the process of establishing institutional arrangements and legal preconditions for data management and coordination between key institutions, and not much attention has been put to capacity building of data providers and compilers of the reports which will be the focus of this support.

The training focuses on land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) sector of the national GHG inventory. The national GHG inventory team of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will have the opportunity to learn how to use and practically apply the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC Software to develop the GHG inventory. More specifically this hands-on training aims to support the BiH GHG Inventory team improving their capacities for developing the GHG Inventory for the LULUCF sector, in accordance with the 2006 IPCC guidelines and using the IPCC Inventory Software. In addition, general important elements related to the national GHG inventory management systems, such as the institutional arrangements (e.g., data collection, data management), cross-cutting (e.g., QA/QC, uncertainties), and reporting (e.g., common reporting tables) aspects will be covered. It is expected that the national experts will improve their knowledge and skills in applying the 2006 IPCC guidelines and using the IPCC Inventory Software, learn how to automize the GHG emission/removal estimation process for the LULUCF sector, and better prepare for the ETF requirements. 


General objective of this support is to increase the country’s capacity to improve its GHG inventory and enhance the process of developing and reporting a LULUCF GHG inventory in accordance with the ETF requirements. More specifically, the support aims to: 1) to improve the capacity of the data providers on GHG inventory requirements, 2) to enhance the knowledge level of GHG inventory compilers, and 3) to increase the efficiency of the coordination among the stakeholders involved in the GHG inventory development.


Data providers and GHG inventory compilers from government and institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina: GHG inventory team in Republic and Federal Hydrometeorological institutes, representatives of ministry of agriculture and forestry, Republic and Federal Funds for Environmental protection and representatives of offices for statistic.

Area of Support: GHG Inventory
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Transparency Network: Eurasia
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Europe