Annual Network Meeting for the Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network: Plans for 2024
Network Meeting
Annual Network Meeting for the Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network: Plans for 2024
to America/Antigua

-- Please see the presentations from the meeting below. The recording of the webinar is available on our YouTube Channel --


The Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) aims to provide streamlined support and capacity-building at the national, regional, and global level to assist developing countries in responding to the Building Initiative for Transparency reporting provisions under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. The project provides multiple support through various modalities, notably its ten Transparency Networks across the globe to foster south-south collaboration, knowledge-sharing and learning among countries and provide support closer to the needs.

The year 2024 represents an important year for the ETF with the submission deadline for the first BTRs by latest December 2024. Countries are stepping therefore into the active phase of reporting on their GHG Inventory, NDC Progress Tracking, Adaptation and Loss & Damage as well as Support Needed and Received. CBIT-GSP will support the countries in this important process by building capacity of national experts on key reporting areas of the BTR.

To aid the identification of national and regional gaps and needs, and the prioritization of next steps, a rapid needs assessment of transparency capacities in the Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network was conducted by the CBIT-GSP team in quarter two of 2023 and updated in February 2024.  The Transparency Network for the Anglophone Caribbean serves as a meeting point for the coordination and synergy of transparency activities in the region, strengthening the reporting capacities of the members of the Transparency Network comply with the ETF requirements.


The primary goal of the meeting is to provide a space for countries to openly discuss and assess the key findings of the capacity needs assessment of transparency, which has been recently conducted by the CBIT-GSP team and jointly agree on the future activities and support in the Anglophone Caribbean Transparency Network in 2024 to support them building technical and individual capacities on climate transparency and reporting in the Caribbean region.

Target Audience

The Inception Workshop will gather Coordinators of National Communications and Biennial Update and Transparency Reports, national CBIT projects, experts from the national agencies overseeing the establishment of national transparency frameworks as well as thematic experts in the areas of data collection and GHG inventory, adaptation and impacts, and NDC and climate finance tracking. 

Event Recording

To view the recording of this session, check out on our YouTube Channel HERE.

Area: Climate adaptation, Climate mitigation, Climate support, Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, Data collection and management, GHG inventory, Institutional arrangements, NDC tracking
Region: Caribbean
Language: English
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean