Project Details


Strengthen Burundi’s institutional and stakeholder capacity to comply with the requirements of Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement on climate change

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Project Implementation


Outcome 1: Burundi improves its Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and institutional capacity to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework
Output.1.1.: Institutional arrangements and legal framework to collect and manage data for the GHG Inventories and NDC tracking drafted and submitted to the government for adoption
Activity 1.1.1: Integrate previous findings on gaps and barriers from the mapping and analysis done on relevant stakeholders, the legal and regulatory frameworks and the current Measurement, Reporting and Verification within the frameworks of the BUR1 and NCs in the component “strengthening Burundi’s capacity to collect and process climate change data into useful information for policy-making and reporting to the UNFCCC”.
Activity 1.1.2: Draft and propose for adoption institutional arrangements within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for the collection and management of GHG Inventory data, based on the updated mapping exercise including gender considerations.
Activity 1.1.3: Draft and propose for adoption institutional arrangements within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for the collection and management of data for NDC tracking on mitigation and adaptation actions, including support needed and received, based on the updated mapping exercise including gender considerations.
Activity 1.1.4: Draft and propose formalized procedures within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for adoption with the aim of treating climate data into useful information for mainstreaming mitigation and adaptation in the update and implementation of development programmes including gender considerations, informed by the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027
D 1.1.1: Updated report on the mapping and analysis on relevant stakeholders, the legal and regulatory frameworks and the current Measurement, Reporting and Verification system (Activity 1.1.1).
D 1.1.2: Institutional arrangements within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for the collection and management of GHG inventory data including gender considerations. (Activity 1.1.2).

D 1.1.3: Institutional arrangements within the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for NDC tracking on mitigation and adaptation actions, including support needed and received, and gender considerations. (Activity 1.1.3).

D 1.1.4: Formalized procedures for treating climate data into useful information for mainstreaming mitigation and adaptation in the update and implementation of development programmes including gender considerations. (Activity 1.1.4).
Output.1.2: National GHG Inventory System designed, tested and operationalized, and relevant stakeholders trained on IPCC 2006 / latest guidelines / tools for GHG inventories
Activity 1.2.1: Design, test and operationalize a National GHGIMS.

Activity 1.2.2: Map activity data available, institutions involved, data needs and data gaps and propose an improvement plan for implementation over time for the national GHG inventory, according to the MPGs of the Paris Agreement including the 2006 IPCC/latest Guidelines.
Activity1.2.3 : Adapt tools and protocols to the national context and test them in the GHG Inventory elaboration, prioritizing the improvement of data collection.
Activity 1.2.4: Adapt QA/QC tools to the national context and adopt them in the elaboration of climate transparency reports.

Activity 1.2.5: Train technical staff on IPCC 2006/latest guidelines/tools adapted to the national context, including the use of the National Transparency Portal to act as trainers in the future.
Activity 1.2.6: Develop country-specific emission factors for the AFOLU sector.
D 1.2.1: Report detailing operational procedures for the management of the functional National GHG inventory system (Activity 1.2.1)

D 1.2.2 Data and institutional needs identified, and improvement plan proposed for meeting them in accordance with the MPGs of the Paris Agreement including the 2006 IPCC/latest Guidelines (Activity 1.2.2)

D 1.2.3: Tools and protocols adapted to the national context for data and other information collection on GHG inventory (Activity 1.2.3)

D 1.2.4 QA/QC tools adapted to the national context available for elaboration of climate transparency reports (Activity 1.2.4)
D 1.2.5: Technical staff of ministries and other relevant stakeholders trained for using the IPCC 2006 Guidelines, adapted tools and the National Transparency Portal to act as trainers in the future (Activity 1.2.5)

D 1.2.6: Country-specific emission factors for the AFOLU sector (Activity 1.2.6)
Output 1.3: National MRV system designed, tested and operationalized and Ministry staff / local authorities, and relevant stakeholders trained on tracking NDC implementation, including support needed and received
Activity 1.3.1: Design, test and operationalize a National MRV system, with the corresponding NDC National Transparency Portal, building upon BUR1 results and other related initiatives.
Activity 1.3.2 : Develop indicators for monitoring NDC sectors, including support needed and received, building upon related initiatives.
Activity 1.3.3 : Develop/adapt, validate and adopt tools, protocols and guidelines, including the National Transparency Portal, for NDC implementation tracking, including on support needed and received, building upon BUR1 results and other related initiatives and considering the priority sectors and sub-sectors for mitigation and adaptation.
Activity 1.3.4 : Provide training to Ministry staff/local authorities and other relevant stakeholders on the validated tools, protocols and guidelines for tracking NDC implementation and support needed and received; and on how to integrate climate data into decision-making processes, regarding the contribution to mitigation, adaptation and the SDGs.
Activity 1.3.5: Participate in the Global CBIT Coordination Platform and other peer-exchange activities for stakeholders on climate transparency.
D 1.3.1: Report on the establishment and operation of the National MRV system, with the corresponding NDC National Transparency Portal. (Activity 1.3.1)
D 1.3.2: Indicators for monitoring NDC sectors, including support needed and received (Activity 1.3.2)
D 1.3.3: Adapted tools, protocols, guidelines and the National Transparency Portal, for NDC implementation tracking, including on support needed and received (Activity 1.3.3)
D 1.3.4 : Ministry staff/local authorities and other stakeholders trained on the validated tools, protocols and guidelines for tracking NDC activities and on mainstreaming of climate data into decision-making processes (Activity 1.3.4)
D 1.3.5: Participation of stakeholders through sharing of documents on lessons learned during implementation of the project in the Global CBIT Coordination Platform and other peer-exchange activities on climate transparency such as regional and international meetings (Activity 1.3.5)

Project Documents