Hands-on training workshop on enhancing institutional arrangements and effective implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework
Hands-on training workshop on enhancing institutional arrangements and effective implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework

Please see the event page for more details on agenda and materials. 


The enhanced transparency framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement builds on and enhances the existing measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the Convention. With the adoption of the modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the ETF by COP 24 and the corresponding common reporting tables, common tabular formats and outlines by COP 26, developing country Parties are already planning to, and some are already taking first steps to transition to the ETF.

While reporting under the Convention through national communications (NCs) will continue, biennial update reports (BURs) and international consultation and analysis (ICA) process under the Convention will eventually be superseded by biennial transparency reports (BTRs), for those Convention Parties that are also Parties to the Paris Agreement, technical expert review (TER) and facilitative, multilateral consideration of progress (FMCP) processes under the Paris Agreement. The final BURs will be those that are submitted no later than 31 December 2024; and Parties shall submit their first BTRs and national inventory reports, if submitted as a stand-alone report, at the latest by 31 December 2024.

Despite the flexibility provisions enshrined in the Paris Agreement and detailed in the MPGs, developing country Parties expect the efforts for the transition to be considerable. The enhanced depth, scope and frequency of reporting under the ETF would place a significant challenge to the resources and efforts of developing country Parties required to respond to the reporting requirements. 

In that context, Parties need to familiarize themselves with the MPGs, the common tabular formats and the common reporting tables to prepare and report information on climate action and support in the first BTRs.

Objectives and expected results

The hands-on training workshop aims at enhancing the technical capacities of national experts from Maldives who are involved in the preparation of national reports under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, including NCs, NDCs and BURs/BTRs. Specifically, the event aims to achieve the following learning objectives: 

  • Familiarize participants with the MRV arrangements under the Convention and the ETF under the Paris Agreement, with a view to ensure smooth transition to the implementation of the ETF;
  • Promoting the understanding of reporting provisions, such as to prepare and report information on the tracking of progress of NDCs, including identifying indicators, and for the support needed and received in relation to implementing and achieving the NDCs;
  • Provide an overview of the key elements and characteristics of a robust institutional arrangements which supports the implementation of the ETF;
  • Present some of the capacity-building support available for developing and enhancing functional ETF systems, based on national context and circumstances.
Area of Support: BTR Readiness
Country: Maldives
Transparency Network: Asia
Type of Support: Trainings
Region: Asia