An Overview of Mitigation Scenario Modelling Tools for the Energy Sector
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An Overview of Mitigation Scenario Modelling Tools for the Energy Sector
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The Global Support Programme, funded by GEF, identified the need for “Mitigation Scenario Modelling Tools” to help non- Annex 1 countries assess their mitigation action and policies. The current document covers the modelling tools for the energy sector, which contributed more than 78% of CO2 emissions in 2020.The modelling tools can help countries assess national emissions trajectories for the energy sector under existing (business as usual) policies and mitigation actions and policies.

The document covers a wide variety of modelling tools, and countries can select suitable models depending on their objectives, capacity and other constraints. A section on selection criteria can help countries select a suitable model. For example, an optimisation model such as TIMES can be used if the objective is to minimise the cost of the mitigation trajectory. Other bottom-up models such as LEAP and GACMO are easy to use with several mitigation technologies in their databases. The document also includes models for sub-national/sectoral levels such as for buildings, transport and others.

Policymakers and practitioners in developing countries interested in GHG mitigation assessment are the primary audiences of the document, and the information presented here can help them select appropriate models /tools to assess mitigation opportunities in their countries. 

Author: Jyoti Prasad Painuly
Publisher: UNEP DTU Partnership
Area: Climate mitigation, NDC tracking
Sector: Energy
Language: English