Webinar on GEF Support for BTR Financing and Access Modalities (for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean)
Webinar on GEF Support for BTR Financing and Access Modalities (for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean)
to America/Panama
Location: Virtual

The presentations of the webinar are uploaded below. The recordings of the webinar can be found on our YouTube Channel in the different languges here:

  • For the English recording, please press here
  • For the Spanish recording, please press here


This webinar aims at informing developing countries on the access modalities and procedures of the GEF and its implementing agencies to apply for funding for the BTRs. The webinar includes speakers from UNFCCC and GEF, and its Implementing Agencies, e.g., UNEP, UNDP, and FAO, and allows for sufficient time for Q&A.

As of March 31, 2023, the GEF has provided support to 65 Parties to prepare their first and subsequent BTRs. With limited time left for the submission deadline for the first BTR, approximately 80 developing countries have yet to request support and are encouraged to apply for funding to prepare their BTRs to be able to report them by December 2024.

Detailed Objectives of the Webinar:

  • Raise developing country Parties’ awareness on the timeline for BTR submission, as well as the requirements as per the MPGs.
  • Inform countries about the financing support available from GEF for Enabling Activities to prepare their BTRs, while detailing the various available access modalities.
  • Enhance capabilities of developing country Parties’ to be able to apply for BTR funding in a timely manner to meet the December 2024 deadline.
  • Inform countries about the different procedures and processes for accessing support through the various GEF Implementing Agencies.
  • Provide contact points for support in GEF and the implementing agencies for queries about the process.

Target Audience

The webinar will bring together coordinators of National Communications and Biennial Update Reports, GEF’s Operational Focal Points, national and international transparency experts and thematic experts for the different areas of transparency, i.e., greenhouse gas inventory, NDC tracking, adaptation and impacts, etc.


The webinar will be held in English/Spanish with simultaneous translation provided for both languages.

Area: Climate transparency
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Americas
Language: English, Spanish
Transparency Network: Anglophone Caribbean, Spanish speaking Latin America and the Caribbean