Dear members of the Eurasia Transparency Network,
Welcome to our Network Forum!
This is the space where we can discuss and share all issues related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework. I hope that you have had the opportunity to go through the Platform and familiarize yourself with its content and offered information? We would very much appreciate your feedback, comments, and suggestions since the Platform is one of the modalities aiming to provide all transparency practitioners with the latest information, knowledge products, experiences, and practices from the Region and Globally, in support of your country's efforts to meet the provisions of the ETF and new reporting requirements. With that in mind, please let us know:
In your opinion, is the platform user-friendly?
Do you have any suggestions in that context?
Can you find the information you need?
Would you propose some other, more specific contents? Please suggest!
Has your country's page been updated, and does the information reflect the latest developments in climate reporting: projects, initiatives, reports, Focal Points, etc?
Please write to us here, and we will definitely respond to requests or comments.
Yours sincerely,