The Latest State of Climate Change Negotiations - Reflections on what it means for Africa
The Latest State of Climate Change Negotiations - Reflections on what it means for Africa
to Africa/Nairobi
Location: Online
Please find the recording of the webinar on our YouTube channel here



The Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency – Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP) would like to thank you for attending the webinar “The Latest State of Climate Change Negotiations - Reflections on what it means for Africa.” 

Through a reflection on the latest state of climate change negotiations and what it means for Africa,” this webinar will provide an overview of UNFCCC negotiations, experiences of Africa participating in decisions, review progress, and other actions in the UNFCCC negotiations. You will have the opportunity to hear from African negotiators represented by South Africa, Malawi, and Kenya, as well as other African Countries, who will share their insights and experiences. 

The UN General Assembly formally launched negotiations on a framework convention on climate change by its resolution 45/212 in December of 1990. The Conference of Parties (COP) is the highest decision-making body of the UNFCCC and meets annually to adopt decisions, review progress, and consider further action. The UNFCCC negotiations provide a political forum where all countries advance their interests through negotiations and decisions; countries may openly communicate their interests and challenges regarding enhancing climate actions.

In the UNFCCC negotiations process, only governments can negotiate and make decisions. However, government delegates are also joined by observers (non-state actors), including non -governmental organizations (NGOs), UN agencies, international bodies, and indigenous people’s organizations. UN agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and sometimes governments organize side events to discuss key topics. 

This webinar is part of a series of webinars that provide countries with the opportunity to share their lessons learned about climate change negotiations and climate transparency reporting with other countries and the wider community. 


The CBIT-GSP is a global capacity-building project - funded by the Global Environment Facility, implemented by UNEP, and executed by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre - to support countries in the transition towards the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). One of the key components of the programme is to strengthen knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer exchange among countries and transparency projects, such as through these kinds of webinars.

Target Audience

This webinar gathers relevant national transparency stakeholders, including representatives from the Africa Group of Negotiators, coordinators of National Communications and Biennial Update Reports, senior experts from the national agencies dealing with climate reporting who oversee the establishment of MRV and the National Enhanced Transparency Frameworks, and personnel dealing with data collection for transparency.

The agenda and presentations for the event are attached for further reference.

Area: Climate transparency, Cross-cutting, Update of national documents
Sector: Cross-cutting
Region: Africa
Language: English
Agency: CBIT-GSP
Transparency Network: Anglophone Africa