Sharing knowledge to empower women and youth on forest climate transparency
Sharing knowledge to empower women and youth on forest climate transparency

Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest) – the initiative from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) – aimed to help countries meet their Paris Agreement goals and pledges by promoting the use of robust and transparent forest data.

Funded by GEF, CBIT-Forest is characterized by three main goals – boost institutional capacity, strengthen technical capacity and increase knowledge sharing. From its launch at the end of 2019 to its completion in June 2022, the project has reached almost 10,000 people (61% men; 39% women) through its activities, including webinars, virtual training and knowledge-sharing materials.

The project had a high level of attention to gender issues, from design to engagement and reporting, including measures to enhance the understanding of the importance of a gender-sensitive approach to forest monitoring among forestry and environmental practitioners, and provided capacity development opportunities and equal access to and participation for women and youth.

Read the complete blog post here:

Area: Climate transparency, Data collection and management
Language: English
Agency: FAO